Alrighty, the last of the Milford Transit entries! Now, this was the first one I’ve ridden. Now, let’s get into it.

So I boarded at the Post Mall, running to the bus. I boarded, a little confused and the driver said “It’s free, don’t worry.” Relieved, I sat down, and onwards we were. So, we went on to do a deviation towards Stop & Shop. The schedule says there’s a timepoint at a commuter lot, I’m not sure if this is it, but I’m gonna assume so. Needless to say, one person got on here. From here, we went towards Old Gate Lane and Woodmont Road, going under the interstate and passing a truck stop.

It was at this time I noticed these New Flyer buses had something a little special, that I haven’t noticed on any other agency’s New Flyers. Not even CTtransit or the T (or RIPTA, for that matter!) had USB outlets on their buses. Hell, not even GBT had them when I rode the Coastal Link back to Milford’s MNRR station from the Dollar Tree (after I rode the 3). Anyways, I digress

Moving on, the routing was simple. We went down Anderson and Merwin Streets, and up New Haven Ave. And yes, it was all residential. We eventually got to the intersection of New Haven and Buckingham Avenues, where I got off. From here, I walked the mile or so to Milford’s MNRR station for the other routes.

The good: It serves residential areas and a mall! Headways are also alright for an area where pretty much everyone has a car.
The bad: This one goes for all routes. It’s not clear which direction the bus goes down on each road until you actually ride it. The hourly headways can also be annoying, but whatever.
Nearby points of interest: Not much. You’ve got the Post Mall and a Stop & Shop.
Overall, it’s an alright route that gets the job done. I just don’t have much to say that I haven’t already said about the others.
Rating: 6.5/10
Stay tuned, as next time I’m down here, I’ll be riding the entirity of the GBT/Milford Transit/Norwalk Transit Coastal Link!