Oh dear God, more median-centered Green Line stops. Whelp, duty calls I guess. So, to review these, I walked down Huntington Avenue at 6:30 AM. Here we go. And, yes, once you see one you’ve seen all of them.

Whelp, we start off on the campus of Northeastern University, a short walk from Ruggles. What do we have here? Well, it’s not a lot. You’ve got some benches and some shelters, however there’s nothing spectacular here. And, unfortunately, that’s the same for all four of these stations. With that, let’s walk down to the other stations. Museum of Fine Arts has, you guessed it, the MFA right beside it. It’s also essentially the same as the BU stops, not a lot to comment about. Longwood Medical does not have any medical buildings, instead having the Massachusetts College of Art and Design by it- OH, there’s some medical stuff! The Harvard School of Public Health. Neat! Don’t tell your local Karen that! Lastly, there’s Brigham Circle, which didn’t have a lot at a glance, however it is where the E branch spills into the street towards Fenwood Road.

The good: They’re serviceable, whatever “pros” apply to the BU stops also apply here (shelters, seating), just without countdown clocks
The bad: Good luck with the E branch’s reliability since it spills into mixed traffic past Brigham! Furthermore, the lack of countdown clocks!
Nearby points of interest: You got the MFA, Longwood, Northeastern’s campus, and even the Wentworth Institute of Technology in reach. Yeah. The Back Bay Fens is also close by!
Transit connections:
Green Line (E)
MBTA bus (39)
Orange Line & Commuter Rail (at Ruggles, short walk from Northeastern)
Overall, they’re serviceable. There’s just not much to talk about here that wasn’t already talked about with the BU stops, and there’s only so much I can do milking a dead cow. As such, it gets a similar rating to the BU stops.
Rating: 5/10