Alrighty, so we finished Canton Center, now let’s look at the other station on this branch.

So, first off, the damn train spills over a couple of streets when letting people on and off! That means, as soon as a train leaves the siding where it lays over (remember, it can’t sit at the station otherwise it’ll block two streets for upwards of 30 minutes!), the bells ring and the gates come down. Furthermore, the low-level section of the platform is bisected by Wyman Street. At least there’s a few benches and a sheltered area – but not on the mini-high. WHY?! THAT’S LITERALLY THE ONLY AREA YOU CAN BOARD AT ON OFFPEAK HOURS! There’s also a station building, but there’s nothing inside. Or, rather, there is – just, nothing usable. But hey, at least unlike Canton Center (and Junction, for that matter) there’s actually a departure board!

The good: It’s in Stoughton’s town center! There’s also an abundance of parking, if that’s your thing
The bad: There’s no benches on the mini-high! WHY?! And, this is one of those “screw you” stations where, if you’re cutting it really close, you can be screwed over by the existence of the crossings. There’s also not much in the way of a station building, since it’s closed. The platforms are also bisected by Wyman Street. Yikes.
Nearby points of interest: Downtown Stoughton seems like a nice place!
Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Stoughton Line)
BAT (14)
Overall, I’d delete the crossings and grade separate the whole thing if I could change the station. The building itself is nice, but those crossings are a problem, and even Stoughton’s officials find it a problem with a proposed rebuild in South Coast Phase 2. So, my proposal to that would be to grade separate the whole line.
Rating: 3/10
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