Alrighty, next stop up from Green Street is Stony Brook! Is there anything major to differentiate it? Well, who knows, but let’s look!

So, the platform is pretty much the same deal with Green Street. That is, of course, the usual shelter-like things with benches, wastebins, concrete everywhere. However, it’s like Quincy Center in that it feels like an actual “subway” rather than just a subway that’s obviously above-ground. The mezzanine is nice too, as you have a window overlooking the Orange Line and the Northeast Corridor. However, the headhouse is pretty much the same, just with arches instead of the slanted roof. But, hey, there’s more businesses nearby along with a park! Sure would suck to lose a basketball to an Acela though. At least the elevator doesn’t smell of piss!

The good: Art! Furthermore, it, just like Green Street, is located in a quiet neighborhood where bus connections aren’t really necessary. The window can also prove to be an alright place to railfan, should the weather be undesirable. But, mostly the art!
The bad: Eh, I’m not really big on the architecture here either. Also, how the hell is it so dark at platform level?!
Nearby points of interest: There’s a few parks! Plus, while it’ll take some effort, you have Egelston Square nearby as well!
Transit connections:
Orange Line
Overall, this station’s pretty good as well. Essentially, pretty much anything I had to remark about Green Street also applies here. But, why so dark???????
Rating: 7/10