Don’t call me Shirley! But nah, in all seriousness, welcome to the outer fringes of the Fitchburg Line, where seemingly anything goes when it comes to scenery and whatnot. So, let’s take a look at Shirley!

So, getting off the train, they let us off in the middle of the street because that’s where the door was. The total length of the platform, including the street? About 100 feet or so. Yeah, it really isn’t long. There’s also a slab of concrete for boarding and alighting outbound trains. On the platform, you have a bench, a wheelchair lift (making this accessible technically, contrary to the system map!), and a small shelter. The map is outdated here, but for the Fitchburg Line it’s pretty accurate. The shelter, on the other hand, is pretty sad, with windows not having glass. Parking is also small but good enough given the relatively low ridership of the station. The station’s also pretty close to the town center (or, at least, the closest thing that can be considered “the town center”), and there’s even some semblance of cycling infra – with painted bicycle lanes. While it could be better, I have to give credit for effort being put in here. Good for you, Town of Shirley! Though, for cycling infra, I’d have to say that physical separation is better. Maybe a physically separated bike lane from around here to Ayer and Leominster? Either way, this station definitely has the vibes, but overall it’s meh.

The good: It’s got charm! The town’s also pretty nice, and if there’s activity, it’s a pretty nice place to railfan! The town center is also pretty damn close as well. It’s also accessible by way of a wheelchair lift.
The bad: Commuter Rail headways out here is pretty sad! 2 hours, even on weekdays! At least, offpeak. Furthermore, the train is your only form of transit as well. Also, the shelter is kinda sad, as charming as it may be, as it lacks any windows. Did I also mention that ADA compliance relies on a wheelchair lift? Yeah…
Nearby points of interest: Shirley seems like a cool town!
Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Fitchburg)
Overall, it’s an okay station. However, I would definitely not place it among my favorites or the best on the system for various reasons. Sorry! I’m not even sure I can give it more than a 5.
Rating: 4.5/10