Marble Hill is an oddball station, and quite possibly the only one where the subway and Metro-North almost directly interface with each other outside Harlem and Grand Central. But even then, it’s not a direct physical connection. With that, let’s look at Marble Hill.

225th St.-Marble Hill is your standard ex-IRT (Interborough Rapid Transit, more commonly the A division/numbered lines) MTA elevated subway station, with a pair of side platforms. There’s no elevators, meaning this station is a fuck you to the ADA. Beneath is US-9/Broadway, and a number of Bronx bus routes run through here….even though legally it’s Manhattan. The downtown side has a small headhouse with MetroCard machines, while the uptown side has nothing at all other than a singular OMNY/MetroCard reader. The drawbridge, however, does make for some nice railfanning shots.

Bus connections can be found on Broadway, with the Bx7, Bx9, and Bx20 bus routes providing service to various places around the Bronx, including Riverdale and West Farms Square. Going a block over brings one to the Metro-North station.

The Metro-North station is on 225th St. itself, and is also inaccessible. There’s stairs leading down to a rather small island platform, and in the overpass over the tracks is the ticketing machine. The platform is relatively normal otherwise, with a sheltered waiting area, a sign, a wastebasket, and benches. There’s also a departure board in the overpass and lining the platform. Yeah, not a lot to note here. The Hudson River makes for nice scenery though!

The good: It’s a transfer point between the subway and Metro-North! Furthermore, it’s also a good place for railfanning. It’s also a pretty busy area!
The bad: The stations aren’t accessible! The subway station is also pretty normal otherwise. Throw some elevators or ramps in, dammit!!!
Nearby points of interest: There’s a housing development nearby and a shopping mall!
Transit connections:
Metro-North (Hudson Line)
7th Ave. (Line #1)
MTA bus (Bx7, Bx9, Bx20)
Overall, it’s an okay station. Nothing too special to remark aside from the views of the Hudson and the railfanning potential. Yeah, sorry!
Rating: 6/10