Alrighty, so from one Green Line terminus to another! Let’s take a look at Heath St.

So, the station layout is pretty simple. You have a platform on a balloon loop. There’s also a shelter on one side, and a parking lot in the middle of the loop. Overall, this station definitely follows the KISS principle (keep it simple,silly), and sometimes that’s all you need for a decent enough station. However, all the trains do NOT board/deboard on the side with the shelter. Yeah…

The good: It’s pretty close to where people would want to be, with a school and the V.A. nearby.
The bad: I mean, if you’re willing to walk, the Orange Line isn’t too terribly far away (around a mile), plus the 39 being able to bring one to Forest Hills and Back Bay, both of which are also served by the Orange Line. And, this one isn’t a fault of the station itself, but the E branch used to go all the way to Forest Hills as well.
Nearby points of interest: Not much. Just some apartments and the V.A. medical center.
Transit connections:
Green Line (E)
MBTA bus (14, 39)
Overall, it’s not the most exciting station. However, it gets the job done and sometimes, that’s all that’s necessary. There are some annoyances though, as I’ve touched on earlier.
Rating: 6/10
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