Alrighty, now the very last Silver Line entry (unless they bring a new Silver Line into service in the Boston area, that is)! Let’s look at the SL3 as a route.

So, leaving the Transitway and the Pike, we’re dumped onto local roads, where we navigate into Airport (Blue Line). However, transfers are outside fare control, so no free crossovers. You can also transfer to the Massport shuttles, neat! From here, we go waist-deep into some side streets used by 18 wheelers primarily seemingly, cross that DAMN drawbridge, and are in Chelsea. From here, we enter the busway (which is rather tight a turn) and do a straight shot down it to Market Basket. So, how does the busway stack up?

The good: It’s essentially the next best thing to giving Market Basket a rapid transit link! Sure, it’d be nicer if there were wires for the buses like in the Transitway, but that’s opening an entire can of worms that I’ll only sum up with “wires bad, louder than diesel, slower, and outdated” on the basis of said Transitway. It’s also alright if you’re into foaming the Newburyport/Rockport as it’s grade crossing hell.
The bad: I can’t help but think this should’ve been fully grade separated and done as a Transitway extension (with a portal at Eastern Ave.?). But, that train’s long gone.
Nearby points of interest: Market Basket is the big one. MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR!

Overall, it’s alright enough, but it’s severely hampered by traffic on the Mass Pike and THAT. DAMN. DRAWBRIDGE. GOD, I HATE IT!
Rating: 5/10 (mostly out of spite for that DAMN BRIDGE)