Alrighty, so moving down the Blue Line, next stop is Beachmont! Just like Revere Beach, this too was rebuilt in the ’90s. So, let’s look at it!

Coming off the platform, first thing I notice is they did the same thing like in Revere Beach with the signage! Neat! Except, unlike at Revere Beach, you don’t have the mosaic Siemens #5. At least, I didn’t notice it. The platform is pretty much the same, except this time we’re elevated! Woo, a rarity on the T!

The mezzanine is also modern, thankfully. To say it’s well lit would be an understatement, and that includes the underside of the overpass! Now, from what I understand there used to be a tower by one of the elevator shafts, but it no longer is, sadly. There’s a Dunkin’ here, though, and bus connections are a little further up Winthrop Avenue at a bus shelter! There’s also construction nearby, which based on Google satellite view, is the development that’s replacing the Suffolk Downs racetrack. As for bus connections? Well, it’s just the 119. There’s also a city-owned e-ink display which has local news, Blue Line countdown clocks, and other things relating to the area. One last thing I almost forgot to mention, is this station seems like a good place to get foamer shots of the Blue Line, with the trains coming up the inclines in either direction. Neat!

The good: It’s got a serviceable platform, a modern mezzanine, and even a Dunkin’ next door! In other words, it’s got everything you’d want. Even has a BUS connection! Oh yeah, it’s also elevated, a rare specimen on the T.
The bad: I guess it’s the sole bus connection, but does it really need anything else? Also, the fact they took the MBTA-branded spire down. That’s sad.
Nearby points of interest: There’s a few shops and restaurants, but nothing immediately stuck out to me.
Transit connections:
Blue Line
MBTA bus (119)
Overall, it’s a great station. For what it is, it gets the job done and it does it very well at that. Heck, I’d say it’s probably be among the best stations on the Blue Line. A perfect 10? Eh, nah. Comes close, though.
Rating: 9/10