Alrighty, now back to the Green Line! Now, four stations remained when I arrived, having left off at Beaconsfield. So, let’s get into the first of the Brookline duo: Brookline Hills.

Alrighty, getting off a Type 7, I immediately notice how new the station feels. Now, I don’t mean GLX new, but it’s pretty damn close. So, you see the building above the Green Line ROW? Yeah, I wasn’t sure what was up with that, until someone mentioned it was Brookline High School. I legitimately thought it was an office building of some kind at first, since who the hell would invest that much into a new school? Furthermore, WHY WOULD YOU BUILD A SCHOOL ABOVE THE GREEN LINE RIGHT OF WAY?! Well, whatever, it’s probably for political optics. So, what are the other buildings around it that look more befitting for a school? I’m not sure, since odds are they’re probably not used as a school anymore if there’s a new one above the Green Line. Either way, there’s more to the area. You’ve got some parks nearby, and plus you have the usual Green Line affair of shelters and benches. However, I didn’t notice any enclosed heated shelters, sadly. Eventually the countdown clock says a train is arriving but OOPS a test train! Oh, right, someone probably falsified inspection reports.

The good: It’s in the middle of a residential neighborhood, and plus the fact it’s underneath Brookline High School means, if you’re a student who attends, lucky you for the Green Line’s existence! Even that aside, you still have some parks nearby, including across the street (though I think that’s the school’s football field? I’m not sure)
The bad: No heated shelter. That’s literally it.
Nearby points of interest: You’ve got a few parks! Also, the high school is directly above the station. There’s also some stuff on Route 9, if you want to walk. Also, I can’t confirm anything on the old Brookline High being abandoned/shuttered, so please don’t try your luck. You’ll almost certainly be arrested. (and, to be honest, the new school looks absolutely HIDEOUS and sterile!)
Transit connections:
Green Line (D)
MBTA bus (60, on Route 9)
Overall, I like this station. Sure, the sterile-looking school above drags it down a little, but aside from that and the lack of heated shelters it’s pretty much as perfect as the D branch can get.
Rating: 9/10