Alrighty, so finally after escaping the hellscape known as the Southwest Corridor, next stop is Tufts Medical Center! May as well do it now, as the Orange Line wasn’t being bussed thankfully.
*nervously laughs*
Dear God. Well, let’s go into Tufts Medical.

Well, first off, Tufts Medical has ART! And HOLY CRAP it’s NICE to look at! However, the aesthetic of the station itself reminds me quite a bit of Chinatown. Either way, it’s certainly on the dingy side. There’s bathrooms, but sadly they were locked. As for exits, you have one exit towards Washington St. and the Silver Line, with the other exit going towards the Wang Theater and Tremont Street, but only the Washington St. exit is accessible. And also, the elevators STILL don’t reek of piss! Only one issue: THE PIPES ARE LEAKY!!!

At this point after changing sides, the announcement for the next train comes on, however it says “Attention passengers, the next Orange Line train to Forest Hills does NOT take passengers. Please stand back from the yellow line”. Oh boy, nonrevenue train! That’s rare! It’s also the rare instance where we heard the horns on the CRRCs.

From here, we got on the next Oak Grove train and would ultimately part ways at State Street (Brooke got off, while a friend and I stayed on). So, with that in mind, next stop: Community College!
The good: It can handle a lot of people! Also, it’s not the worst spot for railfanning the Orange Line, but there’s certainly better spots, especially when the Orange is primarily above-ground. Lastly, there’s art! And, at least the tunnels don’t go on forever!
The bad: Eh, I’m not big on the aesthetics. It feels dingy as well, certainly bad enough to where I needed a hardy helping of hand sanitizer.
Nearby points of interest: The station’s namesake, the Wang Theater, and Chinatown isn’t that far away!
Transit connections:
Orange Line
Silver Line (SL4, SL5)
MBTA bus (11, 15)
Overall, it’s passable, however it leaves a bit to be desired. I mean, hey, at least it isn’t Arlington!
Rating: 5.5/10
And now, stay tuned for Haymarket North!
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