Now, with the route being numbered 69, I’m sure some people might be expecting a few sexual references littered throughout this post. However, due to various rules and regulations surrounding rating systems, I’m keeping this blog at an R rating max, and not NC17. Sorry! And, even then, the R rating primarily pertains to the excessive cursing from my sailor mouth, not an abundance of references to drugs, sex, or anything else that could bump the rating to NC17. With that in mind, here’s the 69. (hehe, nice…) Service, to Harvard, from Lechmere.

So, the funny sex bus numbered route 69 runs between Lechmere and Harvard in a straight line down Cambridge Street. In terms of how it is, it’s pretty tame, with the occasional business. Let’s see, you have REI, CVS, various restaurants, and even the grandest of junctions! YES, you can get off and railfan the Grand Junction if you time it right! However, Kendall Square is typically regarded as the better location. Crossing the tracks, it’s much of the same, we pass through Inman Square, and eventually we pull into Harvard. Weirdly enough, this route doesn’t terminate in the busway but rather on the street.

The good: It’s a straight shot to Lechmere and Harvard, serving Inman Square! Headways are also pretty good, being every 10-20 minutes! It’s also usually a quick shot between the two stations.
The bad: Eh, nighttime and Sunday headways can be kinda bad, and crowding can be a concern…
Nearby points of interest: Harvard Square and the various businesses lining Cambridge Street.
Overall, it’s a quick ride. Not a lot to say about it, short and direct.
Rating: 7/10