Sullivan Square (Orange Line)

Ah, we’re still under I-93! Well, whatever. Unlike Community College, Sullivan is a major bus terminal, and as such commands relatively high ridership for the northern Orange Line. Either way, let’s look at it, shall we?


So, the platform is a lot like Community College, with a copious amount of concrete, benches, and trash bins. There’s also a third track that’s pretty much unused as well. Yeah, I’m not sure what’s up with that. But, hey, one can also railfan the Haverhill and Newburyport/Rockport Line! There’s also an elevator going up. And, no, it doesn’t reek of piss. ANOTHER WIN!

That’s a lot of concrete!

The mezzanine itself isn’t too special. It felt a little small, though, but bus schedules can be found! Also, there’s a convenience store outside fare control! Neat! Lastly, there’s two busways, an upper busway and a lower busway (divided into two lanes). These were reconfigured in 2019 as part of the Encore’s environmental mitigation measures.

Onwards into fare control!
The stairs (& ramp signage!)
Don’t send this into the Transitway!
Signage & warning!

The good: It’s a major transfer between the subway and buses! The busway is also sheltered….albeit by I-93. Furthermore, northbound trains board on both sides, so if it gets crowded, that should help a little. Also, the copious amounts of buses that run through here! Furthermore, the convenience store is nice!

The bad: It’s pretty dingy, between the brutalistic hellscape and I-93 running directly above, it’s not the best place to wait for a train or bus. There’s also no fare control or, really, ANY access from the residential area on the OTHER side of the Orange Line!!! WHY?!

Nearby points of interest: Eh, there’s not really much around here outside of residential neighborhoods.

Transit connections:
Orange Line
MBTA bus (CT2, 86, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 101, 104, 105, 109)

Overall, this station’s alright, however it’s dingy as hell. But, if I had to pick my poison, I’d take this station over Community College, and probably that’s a better choice. But PLEASE, connect this to the residential bits next to the tracks!

Rating: 6.5/10, but a 1/10 for architecture


Author: chelsea

i own this site and write.

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