I’m not exactly sure if what I said in the Quincy Adams entry about it being the largest park & ride on the system is true, as Alewife is a pretty good contender for 1st place in that regard. Nevertheless, here’s the northern terminus of the Red Line.

So the platform is, as with the other termini, double-tracked with both tracks being inbound towards Downtown Crossing and Park Street. It might be a little dingy, but it’s not really that bad, plus the station is well-lit. The ceilings are raised, with the mezzanine reminding me a little of Braintree’s and Quincy Adams’. But, that’s because this and the South Shore extension were built at the same time. There’s also plenty of parking in the garage, and a Dunkin’ as well. On top of all this there’s also a Pedal & Park and a busway for all of five routes. Better than Braintree’s 2 in that it’s at least built to size.

The good: It’s spurred some transit-oriented development! Plus, there’s Russell Field and some parks in the area. Plus, there’s a neat sculpture out by the Cambridgepark Drive entrance. I’m not too familiar with the area though, so nothing stands out at first glance to me. Sorry!
The bad: I mean, the bus service is a bit lackluster from what I can find, but that’s about it for the worst I can think of.
Nearby points of interest: Russell Field is the only standout. There’s also some transit-oriented development.
Transit connections:
Red Line (Ashmont, Braintree)
MBTA bus (62, 76, 62/76, 67, 350)
Overall, it’s alright as a park & ride. Plus, unlike Quincy Adams, it’s well-built in the area surrounding it as well, so in a sense it’s better.
Rating: 7.5/10
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