Alrighty, the last of the GLX stations! A friend and I explored the station a little more than with Science Park. So, let’s look at it, shall we?

If I looked at the old Lechmere, I’d have given it a 5, maybe a 6, on the basis of how freakin’ dingy it was. However, the new Lechmere is NOT that. New Lechmere is quite bright, with a canopy covering the island platform, and nice-looking elevator shafts. There’s also a busway under the viaduct and a Pedal & Park somewhere. And yes, just like the other GLX stations, it’s the honor system. Ugh. But hey, at least the elevator doesn’t smell like urine! The busway also feels kinda dingy, despite being brand spankin’ new, as well.

The good: It’s in a decent spot! It’s also got a liberal amount of bus connections as well as two Green Line branches! From here, the two branches split off to Union Square and Medford. It’s also close to a few shopping centers and, if you’re willing to walk a little, the Bunker Hill Community College (though the Orange Line is better for that).
The bad: Really? Still no faregates. Also no heated areas or bathrooms. The busway feels mildly dingy despite being new.
Nearby points of interest: I’m not really familiar with the area, but a quick look on Google Maps shows Cambridgeside and Cambridge Crossing, as well as North Point Park (moreso if you’re a railfan).
Overall, it’s alright. Just, it suffers from the same pitfalls as the other GLX stations. Hell, if it weren’t for the lack of faregates, it’d probably be the best GLX station second to Medford.
Transit connections:
Green Line (D, E)
MBTA bus (69, 80, 87, 88)
Rating: 7.5/10
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