Montello (MBTA)

There are a couple of spots where the MBTA and BAT interchange. The first, surprisingly, is Ashmont on the Red Line. However, I covered Ashmont a while ago. Instead, we’ll be covering the second place where one can interchange between the T and BAT. Meet: Montello


Montello is a station on the Fall River/New Bedford Line, and is one of a handful of double-tracked double-platformed stations on it. With two side platforms, this part of the line is designed for trains to pass, and oftentimes they meet here. The platforms are pretty standard with shelters, yellow signage, benches, and whatnot. Changing sides is done via a grade crossing. BAT buses pick up on Spark Street (written as SPARK Street on Google Maps?), while the MBTA’s route 230 to Quincy stops in the parking lot itself. As for the area, there’s not too much to remark. One side is relatively suburban, while the other is considerably more industrial. It’s also accessible, along with the rest of the line. Neat!

Bye bye, BAT!
That’s a lot of parking!
I do believe this is where the MBTA’s route 230 boards
Towards Braintree and Boston!
Platform shot looking towards Fall River, New Bedford, and Hyannis

The good: It’s high-level! There’s buses and parking! Shelter!

The bad: Eh, the land use could be a little better, but the fact one side is closest to relatively dense housing isn’t bad! Also, can the 230 get a proper shelter please?

Nearby points of interest: Not much it seems. There’s a Stop & Shop nearby, I guess.

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Fall River, New Bedford)
MBTA bus (230)
BAT (10/11)

Overall, it’s passable. Not too bad, nothing to remark.

Rating: 7/10

Holbrook/Randolph (MBTA)

Ah yes, the last station on the original section of the Fall River/New Bedford Line (i.e. pre-extension opening, as this was written on 2025-03-10, the extension will have opened on 2025-03-24). Welcome to Holbrook/Randolph, and quite possibly the most annoying station on the line to handle.


Yeah, it’s your standard station. Shelter, benches, yellow signage, high-level platform, single-tracked (there is a siding just past the station on one side!). There’s really not much to say. But, the 238 and 240 stop here! Unfortunately, weekdays only, and I was here on a Saturday. Also, there’s a lot of parking here. Changing lots is done at a grade crossing. Yeah, sorry, not much to say. But, hey, a bus shelter exists for the buses! Montello didn’t have that!

Looking towards Braintree and Boston!
And towards Fall River, Hyannis, and New Bedford! Also, double track this place!
More signage!
Grade crossing!
Track shot!
And of the other way!

The good: It’s your bogstandard Commuter Rail station. There’s buses from here, too! Weekdays only, though.


Nearby points of interest: There’s a pizza place nearby! Crawford Square is a mile away! It’s mostly residential otherwise.

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (New Bedford, Fall River)
MBTA bus (238, 240)

Overall, not much to remark.

Rating: 6.5/10

Brockton & BAT Center (MBTA/BAT)

nanananananananana BATMAN!!!!!!!!! Oh, this is the BAT Center, not the BAT Cave? Booooo…….. Well, at least we’re in downtown Brockton now. Oh yeah, there’s a Commuter Rail station here too.

We’ll get to you in a little bit…

The BAT Center is BAT’s main bus terminal, where all their routes (sans the BSU campus shuttles and the Rockland Flex) all converge. While I was here on a Saturday, the cafe tenant that was here was closed, however in terms of other things, you have restrooms, BAT customer service, a very pixelated system map. There’s also a CharlieCard machine that was barricaded (BAT was fare-free). Yea, that’s right! BAT takes the trusty CharlieCard!!! The building is pretty nice, too, all things considered. There’s a pick up/drop off area on the road between the BAT Center and the Commuter Rail platform. So, walking to the Commuter Rail platform, it’s standard. The fact it’s behind the Brockton PD headquarters is a little sus, but whatever. It’s an island platform, and this section of the line is designed for trains to pass each other. As such, track 1 is outbound and track 2 is inbound. Yellow matrix signage, shelters, benches, blah blah blah. There’s a grade crossing here, though! And it’s in downtown Brockton, which is nice too. There’s some parking, not too much (apparently there’s a garage nearby?), and then, something amazing happened at the top of the hour as my friend and I were leaving.

At the top of the hour and half past, EVERY BAT route leaves the terminal. This, is the pulse. And, by god, is it a glorious thing to witness. All the buses leaving at the same time in a coordinated manner. BAT might be a smaller system, but for a first impression, they REALLY seem to have their shit together. Overall though, not bad!

The BAT Center!
The bus berths
BATTERY BUS! (& the Brockton PD)
got any more of them pixels?
Hi, from the BAT Center!
The interior!
Signage for BAT
The Brockton PD
A bike rack???
Grade crossing!
Towards Braintree and Boston!
Towards Fall River, New Bedford, and Hyannis!
Women and enbies need not apply!
Platform shot!
The usual
Yellow dot matrix signage!

The good: Location! It’s in downtown Brockton! It’s also intermodal with the BAT terminal and the Commuter Rail station pretty much being in the same spot. Furthermore, the BAT Center has some decent amenities. The Commuter Rail platform is standard, though.

The bad: Eh, not a lot here. I genuinely don’t have anything to say that’s bad.

Nearby points of interest: Downtown Brockton!

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Fall River, New Bedford)
BAT (1, 2, 3, 4, 4A, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10/11, 12, 14)

Overall, it’s probably……the only perfect Old Colony station?! Yeah, looks like we have gold in an unlikely place!

Rating: 10/10

Campello (MBTA)

A bigass parking lot? In front of Brockton’s section 8 housing? And with a Commuter Rail platform? Well, don’t mind if I do! Welcome to Campello Station!


Campello is a singular side platform off the Middleborough (soon to be Fall River/New Bedford) Line, and is original to the 1997 opening of the line from South Station to Lakeville (later extended seasonally to Hyannis in 2013). It’s got your usual Middleborough Line amenities (sheltered area, yellow signage, benches, a lot of parking, etc.), and it’s also got a bus connection by way of BAT’s route 8. Unfortunately, though, the stop was not signed. So, of course, when my friend and I took BAT to get outta here, we had to bolt for the bus. Fortunately, a kind old lady and the bus operator waited for them and (mostly) my slow feet. Yeah, I don’t have much to say about this station. However, as for land use, you have section 8 housing across the street! There’s also a small industrial area nearby as well. I do wonder though, does the Brockton Housing Authority development qualify as MBTA Communities Act compliance? Anyways. I mean, it’s a basic station, but it’s certainly no slouch for land use vs. some other stations.

An F40 bilevel set!
Cab car!
And away to Fall River New Bedford Lakeville with you!
Track shot towards Braintree and Boston
Industrial land use!
Somehow the section 8 housing feels out of place, but it’s also a necessity.
The sheltered area
Station shot

The good: It’s across the street from a section 8 housing development! There’s also a bit of parking, and BAT bus connections! However…

The bad: THE BUS STOP ISN’T SIGNED OR MARKED CLEARLY! Also, is this much parking necessary?! It’s barely filled up on a weekday OR a weekend! Also, I have a feeling that double tracking here might help, but there’s only so much that can be done on that front given the mainline being single tracked in Quincy and South Boston.

Nearby points of interest: It’s mostly suburbia, but you have some industrial stuff and section 8 housing!

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Fall River, New Bedford)
BAT (8)

Overall, not a bad stop!

Rating: 7/10

South Weymouth (MBTA)

South Weymouth is yet another Kingston Line station, however unlike most of them, there’s actually stuff nearby! Let’s look.


So, the station is copy-pasted largely (unsurprising), complete with wastebaskets, benches, yellow dot matrix signage, and even an expansive parking lot! But, in a shocking twist of fate, there’s GOOD LAND USE?! WOAH! Yeah, shockingly, there’s TOD here! On BOTH sides of the track no less! You have two apartment complexes, a pizza place, and then usual suburbia once you get a little ways out. Fun fact, though, this actually used to be a naval air station! Sadly, though, no buses go out here – with the route 226 bus to Braintree being a 1 and a half mile walk north. Nevertheless, it’s not that bad a station!

Platform shot towards Kingston & Plymouth
And towards Braintree and South Station!
Outdated map!
Someone removed signage. Oops.
Cycling infrastructure!
The Trottier Rd. grade crossing
It calls itself a diner but doesn’t bear the prefab diner appearance…
Watershed signage!

The good: Usual Kingston Line talking points. Platform amenities. Shelter. Full level boarding. Also, the land use is actually pretty good!

The bad: The 226 really should run down here… Also, I can’t help but feel this station is just begging to be double tracked…

Nearby points of interest: It’s suburbia, but Columbian Square is a little ways north with the 226!

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Kingston)

Overall, I’d say this might just be the best station on the entire line, boiling to land use. Good job, Weymouth!!!

Rating: 8/10

Plymouth/Cordage Park (MBTA)

The last of the shuttered MBTA stations. Well, this one was a particularly nasty one to do as well. Located in the Cordage Park area of North Plymouth (near the Kingston/Plymouth boundary), I had several options, all of which were unpleasant for a variety of reasons, for trying to handle this station:
1. I could buy an Uber to/from. This cheated me out of the fun of pain and suffering. (yes, I suffer for y’all. :3)
2. Pray that a friend was able to ferry me to/from. This would have been the same as option #1 for downsides, however at least I would be able to banter with a friend in the process. Sadly, I had no friends available that were up for this.
3. Utilize the GATRA Freedom/Liberty Links. It’s GATRA. I probably was in for a bad time regardless, plus I didn’t have cash on me, and I didn’t know how to use the GATRA Pay app. Furthermore, GATRA’s own website doesn’t mention GATRA Pay ANYWHERE. So, if I used it, I was at the risk of a bus operator telling me to fuck off.
4. Walk the 2 and a half miles from Kingston/Rte. 3 to Cordage Park. This had the issue of being a long walk. Unfortunately, this was also the path of least resistance.

I don’t think it’s active much these days…
There she is, all the way in the back

So, after a long and treacherous walk, and likely mildly injuring myself at the Kingston Collection/Rte. 3 interchange, I finally made it to Cordage Park, and the former least-used Old Colony station, and one of the least-used on the entire Commuter Rail system. So, with that in mind, how is it?

Hello, from Plymouth!

Well, the platform is your standard Kingston/Old Colony platform, with a shelter, benches, wastebaskets, and a yellow dot matrix sign. However, since the station is shuttered, the sign was turned off. In terms of bus connections, you have the Freedom and Liberty Links on Rte. 3A/Court Street. There’s a small amount of parking as well. Originally, allegedly, this also was intended to be the sole terminus of the line, however there was no space for a yard here specifically. Though, I do wonder, if the dilapidated building nearby could be demolished and replaced with a small yard akin to that of Needham’s or Franklin’s layover facility. There’s also a rail trail following the ocean into downtown Plymouth. As for land use, it’s depressingly pretty good. I say depressingly here, because if the station was treated better, it’d probably qualify as TOD. Overall, though, the station’s actually pretty good. It’s just sad that it got killed off by shitty operational practices. Below is a picture of how bad it was.

This is bad.

To serve BOTH stations, trains heading to Boston would originate at Plymouth (marked with a P in the diagram), go up the blue-colored line, clear the interlocking where the three colors meet, BE PUT INTO REVERSE, DO BRAKE TESTS, PRESUMABLY WITH THE ENGINEER RUNNING TO CHANGE ENDS OF THE TRAIN, then go down the yellow-colored line to Kingston/Rte. 3 (marked with a K). THEN REVERSE AND BRAKE TEST AGAIN, and FINALLY head on out to Boston via the Kingston/Plymouth Line (marked in green), making the usual stops. THAT. IS. BAD. YEAH. AND ALL THIS TIME BETWEEN THE TWO STOPS, THE TRAIN IS SIMULTANEOUSLY THE INBOUND AND THE OUTBOUND! RAAAAAAAAAAGH. THAT MEANS, IF YOU WANT TO GO FROM HALIFAX TO KINGSTON, OUTBOUND, YOU’D BE ON THE TRAIN FOR A GOOD 40-50 MINUTES, JUST TO GO WHAT SHOULD BE A 7 MILE JOURNEY. FURTHERMORE, IF YOU WANTED TO GO FROM PLYMOUTH TO HALIFAX INBOUND, THAT’S ANOTHER 40 OR SO MINUTES. JESUS CHRIST THIS WAS BAD. Just double track the entire line and run trains from both termini, some turning in downtown, and some at Braintree. Just, please…anything but this again should the station reopen.

Ocean and a missing sign
Onwards to …pocket tracks?
And towards Boston
This station has also seen better days
The sign is turned off
Dilapidated building!
Another watershed sign!
A Dial a Ride van!
An island, I think…
Accessible parking!
No gates or lights!
Wide open view of the ocean!

The good: It’s surprisingly kinda close to downtown Plymouth! (though, not IN downtown Plymouth, which is annoying in its own right). There’s also development around it, after the land use being kinda shit for the longest time (a Walmart?!)

The bad: Operational practices, really. That’s what killed ridership here and, killed service entirely.

Nearby points of interest: Around Cordage Park? There’s a boardwalk and a beach! Going up to downtown, though, and you have stuff like the Mayflower, Plymouth Rock (it’s just a random rock someone carved “1620” into, don’t visit it), and even…….cult activities??? Yeah……..I don’t know much about the Twelve Tribes, but from a friend that lives in the area, she told me that they actually set up shop in the area. I digress. The oceanside views are pretty nice, though!

Transit connections:
GATRA (Freedom/Liberty Links)

Overall, if this station has to return (it really should!!!), PLEASE, AT LEAST RUN SHUTTLE TRAINS TO/FROM HERE!!!

Rating: 4/10 (8/10 station, 2/10 service before it was shuttered)

Kingston/Rte. 3 (MBTA)

Kingston is an Amtrak-

wait, what? this is a different Kingston? Well shit.

Kingston is an MBTA station located in the middle of an industrial park off Route 3 in, well, Kingston, Massachusetts. It’s one of the two termini for the Kingston/Plymouth (presently just Kingston) Line, and before Plymouth was closed, was more heavily used than Plymouth. With that aside, here’s the station review.

This signage has seen better days.

Kingston is a bigass park and ride station in an industrial park, located off Route 3. The platform is pretty bogstandard, with benches, wastebaskets, signage, and shelters. There’s even a kiss & ride area! Also, GATRA stops here! Yes, that’s right! About 6 times a day, the Freedom and Liberty Links stop to serve this station. GATRA’s Seaside Area InterLink (SAIL) also serves here, on the way to Marshfield and Duxbury. Neat! However, given the limited schedule (really? no Saturday bus service to here?!), just buy a fucking Uber instead. Way to go, GATRA. Also, it’s in an industrial wasteland, so land use is pretty bad overall. As a cool note though, the end-of-line layover facility is just beyond the station. However, trains do NOT sit at the station before turning around. Instead, they have to do all their brake testing in the yard before coming back. Oof. But, not a bad station. Just, not a grandiose terminus like Providence or Wickford, or even like Needham Heights or Haverhill.

*does some further research*


Bye….for now.
Back to Boston!
das a lot of parking
Kiss & ride!
Oh this is OLD (is it still open?)
Unhealthy amounts of pavement?!
Towards Boston, but from the Marion Drive crossing
And towards the yard
Oh, the sense of desolation was real here…

The good: It’s a bigass parking sink off Route 3! It’s also pretty busy, by extension, being the closest Commuter Rail station to not just Plymouth, but also parts of Plympton, Carver, Wareham, and pretty much the entirity of Cape Cod. (this may, however, change when the New Bedford extension opens in about 3 weeks)

The bad: Really, my main gripes here come down to three things: Land use sucks massively, and bus connections are just bad. Lastly, WHY IS THIS THE STATION, WHEN THEY HAD A PERFECTLY FUCKING USABLE STATION IN DOWNTOWN KINGSTON OFF ROUTE 3A/SUMMER STREET?! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH

Nearby points of interest: It’s an industrial park. Unless you want to walk for half an hour to the Kingston Collection, there’s nothing.

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Kingston)
GATRA (Freedom/Liberty Links, SAIL)

Overall, it’s okay. The land use sucks massively and is probably the biggest stinker on the whole line, but there’s still worse on the system.

Rating: 5.5/10

Whitman (MBTA)

Whitman is yet another bogstandard Commuter Rail station on the Kingston Line, and I do not have any creative introductions to give for this one. Here we go.


Yep. It’s your standard Kingston Line station. Yellow signage? Mhm. Wastebaskets, benches, shelter are all present too, as is a lot of parking. This time, though, it’s split between TWO lots! WOAH! Now, unlike Hanson or Abington, there surprising is no microtransit connection here. However, in terms of cool things, you DO have a railroad turntable. But, since it was covered in snow, I couldn’t get any good pictures. The area is semi-rural as well, as the town proper is a mile away and I wasn’t going to walk it. While I was here, though, I actually got to witness an equipment move heading out to Kingston, so that was cool! The area’s largely pretty quiet though, given there’s not much going on. There is, however, a reminder here of a horrific and tragic incident that happened on May 30th, 2023. For those that are easily bothered by things like this, I won’t go into much detail about it. However, that aside, even though it’s a couple years after the fact, my condolences go out to those directly and indirectly affected by the incident both in the community, and onboard the train in question. I’ll also leave a reminder that it is REALLY important to be vigilant around railroad crossings and be aware of any oncoming trains, as trains CANNOT stop on a dime. Furthermore, there’s no shame in talking to someone or getting help as needed.

The other lot!
Lightly used!
This again.
I spy a pedestrian crossing…

The good: The turntable is kinda cool! It’s accessible as well, has usual amenities, all that fun stuff. I feel like a broken record.

The bad: The town is a little ways away but meh, whatever.

Nearby points of interest: The town center is a mile or so away. A decent walk. There’s a couple of shops near the station itself, though. Not many though.

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Kingston)

Overall, yeah, yet another “I don’t have a lot to say here” station. It’s got a cool turntable though!

Rating: 7/10

Hanson (MBTA)

Ugh….another Kingston Line station?! Haven’t we done enough of them yet??? Yeah, sadly, I still have this and a few others to publish. So, here’s Hanson. If I sound bored writing these, that’s because I genuinely have little to remark.


So, as with the other Kingston Line stations, it’s LITERALLY COPY-PASTED. Full level platform? Yep. Parking? Yep. Shelter? Yep. Yellow dot matrix sign? Mhm. Benches? Affirmative. There’s genuinely nothing special- wait, what’s that?


THERE’S A STATION HOUSE THAT’S BOARDED UP?! HOLY SHIT! I am not joking when I say this is the most distinct thing out here. That is bad. But, hey, it’s something at least! There’s also a grade crossing on Main Street, a Dunks nearby, and even a bus connection! However, much like Abington, it’s microtransit. This time, it’s GATRA GO! WOAH! 😮

Away with you!
Towards Braintree and Boston!
And towards Kingston!
The Taunton Watershed!
Yellow dot matrix signage!
The Main St. grade crossing

The good: It’s your usual Kinston Line affair. Has normal amenities. Full accessibility. Not much to remark.

The bad: It would’ve been cool for the station house to be reactivated for passenger use.

Nearby points of interest: Not much.

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Kingston)

Overall, again, not much to remark. Yeah, sorry.

Rating: 6.5/10

Abington (MBTA)

Abington is a modest Commuter Rail station along the MBTA’s Kingston Line, located in, well, Abington. Yeah, I don’t have much to remark about it so this one’s gonna be a short one. Ok? Okay.


Abington is a singular side platform, located off Centre Ave., in Abington. The area isn’t the worst, as both a convenience store and a Dunks exist nearby. One direction towards Centre Ave. brings you to Abington Center and a Walmart, while the other direction brings you to a Stop & Shop and a Target. The station itself is pretty standard with the usual yellow dot matrix signage, benches, and whatnot, along with a copious amount of parking (though, not to an extreme). As for bus connections, you surprisingly do have something, in the form of microtransit. That, of course, would be BAT’s Rockland Flex. Not much to remark on this one. Yeah, sorry.

das a lot of parking
Towards Kingston and Plymouth!
Towards Braintree and Boston!
Grade crossing!

The good: It exists! It’s got a connection to the Rockland Flex!

The bad: Nothing egregious to note.

Nearby points of interest: Stop & Shop? Target? Yeah, I’m grasping for straws on this one.

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Kingston)
BAT (Rockland Flex)

Overall, not much to say here. Yeah, sorry.

Rating: 6.5/10