Dedham Corporate Center (MBTA)

Alrighty, the last entry on the Franklin Line! Let’s see what’s special, if anything, about Dedham Corporate Center (or, Dedham Corp/128, as some signage might refer to it as).


Dedham Corporate Center is located on Rustcraft Road, located near the interchange of US-1 and I-95 in Dedham. Adjacent to it is an office park on the Boston-bound side, which also houses a hotel, some medical offices, suburbia, the county DA’s office, and even a Cummins plant. All of the station’s parking is also located here. On the Franklin/Foxboro-bound side, you have a bit more useful to the average person: some transit-oriented housing, a kiss & ride, a slightly lesser amount of suburbia, and even the Legacy Place shopping center and a Costco. General Dynamics is also out here, and the 34E is a stone’s throw away across US-1.

*gets call*

…wait, waht? It’s just “Providence Highway” on the inner side of I-95? Okay then. So, cross the Providence Highway to get to the 34E on Washington Street. I did this, it was not fun. Almost got hit and killed. Would be nice if the 34E deviated into Legacy Place and the station’s kiss & ride. I digress. Legacy Place is your standard lifestyle center, with parking and flanked on all sides by shopping. Not much to say about it. Overall, not the worst station to finish off with. I will say though, the platform does seem a little short for game day sets to platform (they stop here), but it’s serviceable otherwise.

The train
The mini-highs and a crossing
That’s a lot of parking
Another crossing. I think I can see Endicott from here, too…
Kiss & ride!
An MBTA bus, a RIPTA bus, and an unmarked bendy bus drive into a bar…
Anyone know what RTA this bus belongs to though?
Towards Dorchester and downtown!
Towards Franklin and Foxboro!
A path from the housing complex to Legacy Place
Legacy Place!
Showcase Cinemas!
Bye, Legacy Place!

The good: It serves an apartment complex, some offices, and Legacy Place! It’s also in a pretty important location for park & ride passengers from I-95 and for those who don’t want to use Endicott or Islington.

The bad: The 34E really oughta deviate here. Lastly, the pedestrian experience going from the station to Legacy Place isn’t the best, to put it lightly. It also oughta have an extended and full-level high platform so the football train can fully platform here. And, I guess, by extension there also oughta be an overpass or tunnel connecting the two sides.

Nearby points of interest: Legacy Place is the big one!

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Franklin, Foxboro)

Overall, while it isn’t the best, it sure as hell is better to end the line here than on the last entry in terms of order of publishing. At least Dedham Corp. actually has stuff around it other than a shopping center and has some degree of an actual walkshed that isn’t Oops! All Parking! However, there are some relatively minor changes that would be nice. Overall, not bad though.

Rating: 6.5/10

Foxboro/Gillette Stadium (MBTA)

Well, this is unusual. I don’t think I’ve done anything built specifically to serve a stadium and nothing else. Well, whatever, duty calls I guess.

*sweats nervously at Lansdowne*

I said a stadium AND NOTHING ELSE. Lansdowne serves Brookline Ave. and the LMA, not just Fenway Park. I digress, here’s Foxboro.

Gillette Stadium!
Hi, Robert Kraft!

So, after getting off GATRA GO, I decided to explore Patriot Place a little bit. It was pretty quiet, though that’s unsurprising given it was only 11AM on a Thursday morning. That aside, the walk to the Commuter Rail was….not the greatest. It, however, turned out I was a massive idiot and there was a perfectly functional walkway. Whoops. Nevertheless, the shopping center is vibey, but not very transit-accessible or transit-friendly. 🙁 Damn, Robert Kraft really couldn’t pay for a GATRA bus station and/or better service?

Patriot Place!
The stadium
That’s a lot of parking…
The entrance to the stadium
TONS AND TONS OF PARKING (i think this lot was the commuter lot)
An MBTA lollipop? Out here?!
Showcase Cinemas!
That last pic of parking was not of commuter parking. Commuter parking is lot 4C.

The station itself is accessed by an underpass adjacent to lot 4C (the designated commuter parking lot). A short walkway brings you to a …rather lackluster terminal station. The digital signage doesn’t even work. There’s relatively barebones amenities here. Yes, there’s decent wayfinding, but that’s about it. The path doesn’t even bring you near the mini-high, and the fact it’s even a fucking mini-high AT ALL is really, really, REALLY, REALLY BAD for game day ridership. I can’t help but imagine this is a massive bottleneck on Sundays in particular for Pats home games. Never mind that, what about heavy concert-induced ridership or any ridership invoked by a home Revs game?! Hell, now that I think about it, what about when the Army-Navy games were hosted here last winter?!?!?! WHY IS THERE ONLY ONE PLATFORM TO SERVE TWO LINES ON GAME DAYS?!?!?!?!?!??!?? WOULD IT HURT TO BUILD A SECOND PLATFORM AND HAVE BOSTON TRAINS DWELL ON ONE PLATFORM AND PROVIDENCE TRAINS ON ANOTHER FOR GAME DAYS?! WHERE DO TRAINS LAY OVER DURING GAMES?! I digress. The station itself, disappointingly, is rather bad. I mean, it doesn’t even look like it should pass as accessible. This is considered accessible yet Mishawum isn’t?! Yeah, this station sucks, especially for game day service. Sorry.

Station signage!
This actually looks nice.
The walkway
The platform.
Shelter and benches
Towards Walpole and …Framingham???
The train, looking towards Mansfield
The only place where you can go inbound somewhere other than Boston
This is bad.

The good: It serves a major sporting arena! It’s also technically accessible!

The bad: THE GAP ON THE MINI-HIGH IS TOO DAMN LARGE, YET THIS IS ENOUGH FOR MISHAWUM TO BE INACCESSIBLE?! The station is barren. There’s no level boarding, which presumably leads to it taking forever to get off the train on game days. The transit accessibility is bad. Train headways are also bad on weekdays, with nothing at all on weekends. Never mind that, WHY IS THERE ONLY ONE PLATFORM?! Lastly, you can’t even take GATRA here on game days – as they SUSPEND SERVICE due to traffic concerns. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! THE PLATFORM ISN’T EVEN LONG ENOUGH FOR A 12 CAR GAME DAY SET!

Nearby points of interest: Good luck going anywhere other than Gillette Stadium or Patriot Place.

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Foxboro)

Overall, this station is genuinely bad. I mean, yeah, it’s accessible on paper, but why? Just, why? For a station that sees heavy ridership skewing towards particular events, it’d REALLY HELP if there was level boarding on all cars rather than the first two. Also, a second platform would do wonders, as would extending the existing platform to accommodate a 12 car game day set.

Rating: 3.5/10

Norfolk (MBTA)

What, you were expecting me to go all the way to the far southern fringes of the Northeast Regional’s service area? Not quite, pal! Instead, Norfolk, Massachusetts is on the to-do list for today. Let’s look at it.

Translucent signage???

Norfolk is a relatively small station serving the town of Norfolk, Massachusetts. It’s a park and ride in a small town with not a lot nearby. There’s a partly-built lifestyle center, however I didn’t look at it much. In terms of stuff near the station proper, you just have a small strip mall, a Dunks, and a church. In terms of the station itself, it’s normal, though you have 2 tracks but one side platform (track 1 isn’t complete!), a mini-high, a red dot matrix sign, and a grade crossing along with benches and wastebaskets. Not a lot exciting here. However, there IS something unusual: the Medway “T” Shuttle stops here. Is it signed? NOPE! Because what’s wayfinding?! At least you can GATRA GO if you need out! (stay tuned…)

Towards Forge Park!
The platform and a MOW vehicle!
I suspect any work had to do with the 2nd track being worked on
Red dot matrix signage
Those signals are facing the wrong way.
Small town vibes
The crossing from afar
Sorry, no train horn! D:

The good: It’s in a small town and has parking for people to drive in!

The bad: The GATRA bus connections could be signed…., also the fact there isn’t a 2nd platform here is just…why?!

Nearby points of interest: Not a lot…

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Franklin)
GATRA (Medway “T” Shuttle, GATRA GO)

Overall, yeah, I don’t have a lot to say. It works, for what it’s worth, I guess.

Rating: 5.5/10

Franklin/Dean College (MBTA)

Oh, cool, we’re back out on the Franklin Line! And, we’re at the namesake station of the line, Franklin! Let’s look at it, shall we?

Oh that’s a mouthful…
Or, just simply “Franklin/Dean”, I guess…

The station is in downtown Franklin, a stone’s throw from Dean College, and because of that the station can very much hold its own in regard to ridership without relying on people driving in from the outer fringes of the Commuter Rail (in the case of the Franklin Line, this happens to be places like Bellingham, Milford, Blackstone, Millville, Mendon, Hopedale, and even Woonsocket and North Smithfield in Rhode Island), which is very much a good thing here because the parking lot is TINY. While the platform is relatively barren and the only shelter being the station building, and it presently is inaccessible, wouldn’t you know it, they’re actually BUILDING A MINI-HIGH?! Unfortunately, though, the way it’s being done precludes any extension of the double tracking in Norfolk towards Forge Park… Yeah, that sucks. But, hey, at least they’re actually making this station accessible! YAY (although ideally they’d have rebuilt the station to have a full-length high level platform). Oh yeah, as a cool factor, the Franklin layover yard is before this station.

An F40 and the under-construction mini-high
The mini-high, looking towards the Union St. crossing
The station building
That’s it?! Just one track?!
Towards Forge Park! (& the overpass of Main St.)
The disused station building
I usually don’t like getting political here, but it’s my site and I can bend the rules as I see fit:
Overpass shot!
Downtown Franklin looks cool. Also, some GATRA GO spotted!
Overpass shot towards Forge Park
Classic New England vibes
The T globe!
I hope the addition of the mini-highs lead to these getting replaced with a newer departure board!

The good: It’s in downtown Franklin! It’s also okay with a modest amount of parking, for what it’s worth. But if you’re using this place, odds are you’re walking. It does have some charm going for it, but that’s also the area at-large.

The bad: It’s inaccessibility is a big one. Also, no shelter aside from the building is bad, however, I hope both will change with the mini-high being built.

Nearby points of interest: Downtown Franklin and Dean College, as signage suggests, are big!

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Franklin)

Overall, it’s a decent station for one that’s inaccessible. And, this puts me in a tough position where I feel like it’d get a high score if it was accessible, but it just isn’t. Goddammit…

Rating: 6.5/10

Bridgewater (MBTA)

For the next station, as a change of pace, we’re back in the Boston area (for now!), and with that, I took the next thing out of South Station. In the case of when I took the pics for this, it was a shuttle with a guaranteed connection to a Middleborough train. So, I rode it as far as I could before reaching unvisited territory. Welcome to Bridgewater!


So, Bridgewater is much like Middleborough in that it’s a singular high-level platform with one track. However, while there is a lot of parking, it actually has a good reason for being plentiful – the station is LITERALLY on the campus of Bridgewater State University! Yes, this is transit-oriented education right here! However, the station itself isn’t anything special, really. You have wastebaskets, signage, benches, and parking. The only noteworthy thing is having the BSU shuttles on days school is in session, picking up near the parking garage nearby. But, aside from that, no bus connections. And, sorry to the person from one of the Discord servers I’m in that lives near here, I have nothing special to say about your local MBTA station. 🙁

Towards Boston!
And looking towards Middleborough and the Cape!
Some BSU stuff
More signage!
MBTA sign
Is this a brand guidelines violation (missing T?)
Bike racks!

The good: It serves BSU! Yeah, that’s about it. It’s a parking sink otherwise.

The bad: Eh, not a lot. Single-track ops hinder throughput a lot.

Nearby points of interest: BSU is the big one!

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Middleborough)
BSU campus shuttles

Overall, while there’s not a lot to it, it’s a very useful station and it gets the job done. A for effort, and for accessibility.

Rating: 7/10

Hamilton/Wenham (MBTA)

Alexander Hamilton was the first US Treasury secretary (that’s right – the same position held by, at the time of writing this, Janet Yellen!) and was a very influential person in American history. While I don’t know the full extent of his historical significance, he did have involvement with the American Revolution and the Continental Congress back when those were things. Unfortunately, after an attempt to run for President, his demise came in a duel with Aaron Burr in 1804. His legacy can be seen in many things between modern-day currency and the famous Lin-Manuel Miranda play Hamilton.

Now, what the HELL does this have to do with anything I write about? Well, I’ll tell you: they named a town – and by extension a Commuter Rail station – after the man! Welcome to Hamilton (/Wenham)!


Hamilton/Wenham, as the name suggests, is on the line between Hamilton and Wenham, Massachusetts. The area isn’t bad and is a much better area compared to North Beverly to the south, all things considered. It’s pretty close to the town center (I did not check it out, as I instead got water at the nearby Cumby’s), the station has plenty of parking, there’s plenty of shelter and even a mini-high that, shockingly, HAS STUFF! WOAH! I’m genuinely relieved this is a good station! Yeah, you have benches and everything! There’s also a small walkway and a grade crossing just north of the station as well. Neat! It’s also located next to a small shopping center with a Dunks and a CVS as well, which is nice.

Walkway and crossings looking towards Newburyport!
Some shelter and looking towards Boston!
The mini-high!
Bike racks!
Welcome to Hamilton and Wenham!
Shopping center!
Another grade crossing shot!

The good: It’s in the town center, has plenty of parking, and shelters! It’s also got benches and, wouldn’t ya know it, the mini-high isn’t barren! WOAH!!! There’s also stuff nearby!!! And, it’s pedestrian-friendly!

The bad: Not a lot, actually! Would be nice if there was a local bus connection to somewhere.

Nearby points of interest: The town center is close by!

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Newburyport)

Overall, I really like this station. I mean, it’s not a personal favorite, but objectively it’s really a good station and the town itself is largely cool. Deducted points for the anti-MBTA Communities Act sentiment, however. Sorry!

Rating: 8/10

North Beverly (MBTA)

This station, like EVERY OTHER STATION IN BEVERLY, absolutely sucks! And, I feel like I’m beating a dead horse on this one, so I’ll probably make this one rather quick. With that out of the way, welcome to North Beverly!

Helvetica signage!

The station, much like Beverly (which, thank GOD is finally seeing a minor rebuild!) and Beverly Farms, has a barren platform and barren mini-highs. No shelter on the outbound side, benches exist on the platforms, there’s a red dot matrix signage, wastebaskets, and crossings to change sides. There’s also a small parking lot and even a connection to the route 451 bus. Neat! In terms of the surrounding area, it’s nothing special, really, as it’s just a normal suburban area with a train platform shoehorned in. It really isn’t anything special. As for the inbound platform shelter, it’s a bus shelter. GODDAMMIT!

Looking towards Newburyport!
Towards Boston!
The only other “shelter” on the low level section
Well-utilized parking!
Another shot of the parking lot
Looking hella barren…

The good: It’s in suburbia! It also has a local bus connection and is accessible!


Nearby points of interest: Just a couple of strip malls.

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Newburyport)
MBTA bus (451)

Overall, this station sucks, all the other stations in Beverly suck, and thank GOD all I have left in this town are the 451 and the Beverly Local Bus!

Rating: 4/10

Ipswich (MBTA)

Ipswich is a small town in the North Shore. I’ve heard a lot about it in passing but I’ve never thought to check it out until now. Well, I did, and here’s the station entry. All things considered, it’s not bad.

Helvetica signage!

Ipswich was, until 1998, the terminus of the then-Ipswich Line. But, of course, in 1998, the line saw a 2 stop extension through the wetlands to Rowley and Newburyport. As a terminal, I’m sure it was alright. However, I’m not looking it like that, as it’s not a terminal anymore. The station itself is built on a relatively sharp curve with a crossing bisecting Topsfield Road. The station itself is very strongly resembling Hamilton/Wenham, down to the nearby walkable downtown area, and I already liked that station. There’s also a bus connection to the seasonal Ipswich-Essex Explorer ran by the Cape Ann Transit Authority as well. The platforms have signage, the usual red dot matrix signs typical of a Commuter Rail station, benches, and shelters on both the mini-high and the low level platform. Overall, pretty good! Also, the bus connection is SIGNED. YAY!!!

The signal was green before the train pulled in, I assure!
Towards Boston with a clear signal!
And towards Newburyport with the Topsfield Road crossing!
Parking! The Ipswich/Essex Explorer also picks up here.
BUS connection
Downtown Ipswich!

The good: It’s in Ipswich’s town center! The platforms are nice, there’s a bus connection, and the area is also rather walkable! There’s also plenty of parking for those opting to drive. However, to my awareness, it’s by permit only, though. Sorry!

The bad: Not a lot. The train does spill into the crossing here…

Nearby points of interest: Wherever the heck the Ipswich/Essex Explorer will bring you, plus Ipswich’s downtown!

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Newburyport)
CATA (Ipswich/Essex Explorer)

Overall, it’s also a pretty good station. It’s centrally located and has a decent amount of stuff around it, as well as a decent-ish (I think?) summer bus connection. Definitely better on the system.

Rating: 8.5/10

Rowley (MBTA)

So, I was in the Miles in Transit Discord server and I mentioned I was going to be doing the entirety of the Newburyport Line on the day I came up here, to which someone got excited over Rowley. Well, to that person who was eager to see my take on Rowley (or, I guess as I should dub you, Rowley’s Strongest Warrior), this one is for you. Welcome to Rowley!


Rowley opened in 1998 as part of the Ipswich Line’s Newburyport extension as the sole intermediate station, and it shows. It’s a full-length high platform with shelters and benches and wastebaskets (oh my!), plenty of parking that, when I was here, it barely had anyone parked (it was also after the AM rush), and a whole lot of nothing in the walkshed. Yeah. There really is nothing, and you’d have to walk a mile before reaching much of anything. If anything, it’s a testament to just how not very dense the town is overall. Yikes. There isn’t even a Dunks nearby, which is also just sad. Ah well!

The platform towards Boston
And towards Newburyport!
Shelter and yellow signage!
Whole lotta woodlands!
Parking lot signage. No overnight parking?!
Looking up Railroad Ave.!
Grade crossing!
Track shot!
Another station shot!
Welcome to Rowley!
The gates are coming down!
GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

The good: It’s a full-length high platform! Yay? There’s also shelter and benches and parking!


Nearby points of interest: Nah.

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Newburyport)

Overall, while it’s not bad, it’s just……eh…..there’s nothing really helping it and there’s nothing nearby. This is just depression more than anything else. Pass.

Rating: 5.5/10

Newburyport (MBTA)

Opened in 1998, Newburyport is the end of its namesake line, and is a small seaside town. Unlike Rockport, however, the station is drastically different. Well, here we go.

Helvetica signage!

Newburyport uses an island terminal configuration with big mean mother bumpers at the end of the tracks that used to go all the way to Portsmouth, Kittery, and points north before terminating at Portland, Maine. With that said, terminal ops are rather normal here, with the train dwelling before turning around. Platform amenities are normal, with a yellow dot matrix sign, benches, wastebaskets, and A LOT OF PARKING. One lot’s off Parker St., while the other lot is off US-1. Sadly, the area largely isn’t walkable outside a rail trail. However, MeVa does actually run buses here, namely the 19 to the Costello TC in Amesbury and the 20 to Salisbury Beach. There is also a Mexican restaurant in the station depot building as well, which while I haven’t tried it personally, Google reviews do suggest nothing but good things about it. Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten the opportunity to explore Newburyport a bit more, but I have heard it’s a charming little town, so I’ll likely be returning at some point. As another aside, I will say, land use, while bad at face value, does seem to be getting a little better near the station with housing developments going up nearby. Affordable? Well, if it says you have to call for rates, it probably isn’t.

The yard on the approach to the station
The island, looking towards a pair of bumpy bois
Google says it’s good, maybe I’ll check it out some time?
Oh yeah, MeVa stops here!
Outdated map and signage pointing towards US-1
The US-1 parking lot
Looking towards Beverly, Salem, Chelsea, and Boston!

The good: It’s a massive park and ride for not just the surrounding rural areas, but also southern NH and Maine commuters (though I think Mainers coming to here might be more on the “extreme commute” side of things?). There’s also connections to MeVa for travel within the region. Also, the platform is fully accessible! YAY!

The bad: The area isn’t exactly walkable… yeah, sorry! The only trace of MeVa stopping here is also a small bus stop sign that’s pretty easily missable if you don’t know where to look. And, there’s also no bus info.

Nearby points of interest: Downtown Newburyport looks cool!

Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Newburyport)
MeVa (19, 20)

Overall, pretty good, and it’s a pretty decent terminal. The connection to MeVa is a little annoying to find though if you don’t know what to look for, though, especially given MeVa is typically a flag-down system.

Rating: 7/10