Ah boy, the last of the Blue Line stations! How bad is this one, is it going to be as decent as Fenway on the Green is? Let’s see.

So, the platform? Eh, it’s your standard affair. Benches, wastebins, countdown clocks. Yeah, not a lot to say here. On the side with Bennington Street, you have the station’s busway with its three connecting routes. On the other side, not much as it’s pretty much Logan Airport. However, the fact there’s an overpass accessible here makes me wonder: why not have fare control on this side? It’s got a pedestrian path so why not? You at least also get a nice shot of the Boston skyline from here as well, so you can get somewhat decent foamer shots.

The good: Eh, it’s got your usual Blue Line affair. It’s also got BUS connection.
The bad: I’m not too big on the tiled glass. Furthermore, there should be fare control on the outbound side for the Greenway.
Nearby points of interest: There’s probably a few things on Bennington Street!
Transit connections:
Blue Line
MBTA bus (112, 120, 121)
Overall, there’s not much to say here. It’s generic. Just, generic. Ugh. Well, at least I got the Blue Line done and over with. At least it wasn’t another Suffolk Downs.
Rating: 4.5/10
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