So, I went over how West Natick and Framingham were both pretty good and serviceable stations, and so far the stations beyond the reach of the subway system (defined here as everything past zone 2) were looking pretty good. So, with that in mind, how does the Wellesley trio stack up? First up batting: Wellesley Square!

So, getting off the train, one thing is immediately clear: it’s not ADA accessible!!!! Uh oh, that’s not good! Furthermore, you got a few benches, a bike rack that’s on the outbound side, and stairs going up to the streets. There’s also parking as well, which I presume fills up quickly. On the inbound side, you only have A FREAKIN’ BUS SHELTER. WHY?! WHAT THE FUCK?! THIS IS THE SIDE EVERYONE’S GONNA BE USING TO GET TO WORK AND ALL IT GETS IS A FUCKING BUS SHELTER?! Ugh… Oh yeah, no departure board, and a red dot matrix sign. There’s also parking, of course, and it’s in Wellesley’s town center. It also gives off rich town energy, which to be fair is what Wellesley is. But hey, at least it’s a front-row seat to the Marathon!

Once the next outbound pulled in, I got on, found Brooke, and went to Framingham for round 2 and to see the marathon. After that, I’d go back to Wellesley for the next member of the trio. Stay tuned for Wellesley Hills!
The good: It’s in Wellesley’s town center, has some parking, and bike racks!
The bad: WHY IS THERE A BUS SHELTER ON THE INBOUND SIDE?! It’s not even accessible either! Never mind that, I’d say it’s nice there’s a fancy station building but we don’t even have that here! Ugh…. It could also use slightly better signage and, ya know, ACCESSIBILITY!
Nearby points of interest: It’s in Wellesley’s town center. You’ve also got Wellesley College nearby, a few parks, and the local library.
Transit connections:
Commuter Rail (Worcester Line)
MWRTA (Catch Connect)
Rating: 3/10
Overall, this station actually kinda sucks for a town center – and in one of the richest towns in the entire state, at that! Like, what gives?????? But hey, you can at least Catch Connect to other points!