231 Flex (S. Aquidneck)

(Warning: copious amounts of caps ahead. Read with caution.)

So, the 49 isn’t good enough? The 10X isn’t good enough? You want the true lowest-ridership route in the whole system, including Flex?! Alrighty, fine, here’s your “lowest-ridership” route. Let’s see if it holds up.

The Marriott!

So, I boarded it at the Gateway Center, a scheduled stop. This bus runs every two hours, with four scheduled stops. However, one of the scheduled stops is served only once a day. Now, let’s get going. We go down Thames St. to the second timepoint, which is at Lee St., across from a Shell. Wait, wait just a hot flippin’ second. There’s NUMBERED SIGNS?! Holy crap. This one, admittedly, I didn’t notice until after the fact (looked up street view as I was writing this), but the next one was when I was genuinely blown away. We keep going down towards our next timepoint, of course noone got on and it was just the driver and I with Lite Rock 105 on the van’s radio. Wait, we’re at timepoint #2 and NOW there’s the sign! This was when I first noticed it and when I immediately told Cedric (from the Miles in Transit Discord server), and he was surprised as well, since he and I both only thought there was the lone 301 sign at Westerly Station along with all the R Line signs. And I thought this was the highlight, until some guy came out of the apartment building!

The sailing museum!
Holy crap almighty! A numbered bus stop sign!

Some guy got out, and both the driver and I thought he was going to get on. Apparently not, however he did have questions about Flex and how it worked for someone visually impaired. Ultimately the driver just suggested he called the Flex line. We went a little further up, and started going down the side streets of Newport and, holy crap, someone ACTUALLY got on! Yeah, I was surprised by this, but someone actually used Flex for its flexing capability, presumably from an advance reservation. Eventually, after navigating the streets more and crossing Memorial Boulevard, we ended up at someone’s front door to drop the lady off. Neat! (Man, I should make a part 2 to my 242 Flex post, where I actually take advantage of the door-to-door capabilities. Arctic-Market Basket one seat, anyone?)

A park!
The beach!
Suburban hellscape, but not to the extreme

After this, we turned around and started going to my requested stop, the DHS offices (stay tuned for the 68!). It was largely a mess of navigating side streets and then …we were there. Nice. The driver even dropped me off at the front door.

Pole photobomb. 🙁
See ya!

…wait, what?! You mean to tell me, there’s a Flex timepoint HERE?! Yeah, when I walked up to the bus stop to wait for the 68, I noticed another sign ABOVE the normal RIPTA sign. Come to find out, THERE’S A FREAKIN’ FLEX TIMEPOINT THAT’S NOT EVEN DOCUMENTED?! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?! Ugh…..


The good: It’s a Flex zone for Newport and Middletown! And, it has bus connections throughout the zone as well, with the Gateway Center buses along with the 67 and 68 at various spots. There’s also weekend service now! It’s also the only real way to get regular service to Second Beach, since normal buses are otherwise too big.

The bad: If you want to get to 2nd Beach, you’d need a reservation in one way or another. Also, why is there a Flex sign at the DHS offices if there’s no Flex timepoint?! I’d also slam it for being one-way if you want to do the Cliff Walk via transit, since one end is served by the 67, but now that the other end is served by the 68, I’m not as worried.

Nearby points of interest: You have the Cliff Walk and First Beach in the zone, along with some of downtown Newport. There’s also the Aquidneck Corporate Park.

Overall, I feel like the 68 may have rendered much of the Flex useless. However, there is one area I feel it’d be useful having the Flex in. Southwestern Newport, by Fort Adams. Why doesn’t anything go there? Or past the Marble House on Ledge Road, for that matter? And, what’s with the now-unused stop at the DHS offices by the 68’s terminus? And lastly, why does this route have weekend service if nobody uses it?! I mean yeah, there’s that one lady, but essentially next to noone uses this Flex!

Rating: 3/10

60 (East Bay – part 2)

Alrighty, remember how when I did the 60 initially a little ways back, I went down the East Main branch? Well, since I’m covering every RIPTA route, the West Main branch also has to be touched on. Okay? I know it’s not going to be the most enjoyable, but it’s a necessary evil nevertheless.

Oh no, not Comic Sins

The West Main section begins at the intersection of Boyd’s Lane and Bristol Ferry Road in Portsmouth, after the Mt. Hope Bridge, and as the name suggests, goes down West Main Road. However, unlike the East Main branch, which deviates into a park & ride lot on Boyd’s Lane, the West Main branch deviates twice: once into a naval facility, and again into Bayview Apartments. Scenery is largely rural, like with the East Main branch. The route joins with the 24L at Rte. 24, where it came express from Tiverton and Fall River. Meanwhile, the route keeps going down West Main and Bristol Ferry Road until it joins up with the East Main branch at the East/West Main split in Middletown.

Whole lotta woods!
Portsmouth senior center!
More woods, oh my!
Some apartments, I think
The car museum. It was also quite rainy today.
I think this might be a church, but I’m probably very wrong.
A side street. Thanks, rain.
Oh god, this is even worse
Oxbow Apartments!
No deviation for you!
An empty field near East Main
Also near East Main
Met up with East Main here. At least this one’s clear!

Opinions below are on this branch specifically and not the route at-large.
The good: It’s a straight shot to the places served here, with no other service. There’s also deviations into an apartment complex and a naval facility.

The bad: Buses every 2 hours on weekends and every hour on weekdays can be a bit painful. However, half-hour frequency during the morning and evening rush!

Nearby points of interest (exclusive to here): You have the NUWC facility, along with places like Oxbow Apartments in walking distance. You also have Bayview Apartments.

Change from original rating: None.

Newport Gateway Center (RIPTA)

Huh, I thought this’d never open. But, here we are, and it’s open! Must be a summer-only thing. So, here we go.


Not a lot inside. You have an ATM, a bunch of brochures, a waiting area in case it’s raining, and bathrooms. There’s also a desk which I presume is for RIPTA stuff. On the outside, you have a parking garage, a layover area for the buses that stop here, as well as berths for RIPTA and various long-distance and tour bus companies. There’s also destination signs at each berth, and they’re all covered with benches.

The parking garage
The 67, having just picked people up

The good: It’s Newport’s central transit hub, and for a major tourist destination, it’s kinda important in that regard. It also serves not only RIPTA, but also Greyhound and various local tour bus companies. The berths are also sizable and covered, something Kennedy Plaza could use…

The bad: Why is the indoor area closed during the winter?! If it isn’t summer, this transit hub quickly becomes one of the “screw you” type, especially if you need a bathroom break. Furthermore, the destination signs don’t work half the time, just reading “No Data”. There’s also no machines to reload Wave cards here.

Nearby points of interest: Essentially all of Newport! It’s quite literally, a gateway to Newport by transit.

Transit connections:
RIPTA (14-Newport, 24L, 60, 63, 64, 67, 68, 231 Flex)
Probably some other long-distance bus companies I’m forgetting

Overall, I….don’t like this place. Yeah, it’s okay during the summer, but if it’s the winter, it’s a major “screw you”. And that’s what I’m gonna have to base my rating on.

Rating: 4/10

50 (Bryant University/Douglas Pike)

Alrighty, the 50! Surprisingly, this took far longer than it had any business to, for me to get around to it. So, I did this one, after being fed up with the outcome of an attempted job interview. So, here we go. Also, to be up front, I didn’t go all the way to Bryant, but that’s because it was 90 degrees out, very steamy, and I didn’t want to run the risk of heat stroke or dehydration during a layover. I did, however, make it close enough to Bryant (within 3 stops or so).

Here it comes!

I boarded this bus at Providence Station, where I was waiting in the cool environment. I could’ve waited at Kennedy Plaza, but as I said in the prologue paragraph, it was 90 degrees and humid out. I didn’t want to do that to myself. Eventually, the bus came and I boarded.

Providence Station!

And we’re off to the races! We hooked a left at Smith Street and went up a one-way, then down Douglas Avenue, which we’d largely stick to for the whole route. Fortunately, Douglas Ave. is mostly residential, but there were a number of businesses mixed in. People got on and off, and we passed roads with major transfers nearby. Chalkstone had the 56, Chad Brown had the 55 a short walk away, while it was more direct with Admiral, and Branch Ave. marked the start of a shared segment with the 58. Just like the 58, we deviated into Shaw’s, where short trips end.

State offices!
More government people!
The interstate and Rte. 146!
A cemetary
Aren’t Sam’s stores usually red?
Look, a Doll- wait, I already got this one with the 55.
Veazie Street?!
I don’t remember what this was.
Last time seeing this particular store on this site!
Money laundering???

Alrighty, onwards past Shaw’s. The 58 left us at Mineral Spring Avenue, and we kept going up Douglas Avenue, now Douglas Pike. We crossed over a lake and the scenery changed to more like something out of South County, with all the trees and whatnot. Of course, it was quite rural now and occasionally, there’d be a house or a business or shopping plaza of some kind. Eventually, after about 15 minutes (seemingly), we crossed over I-295, and past a Hampton Inn. I got off at the bus stop to eat something and so I wouldn’t die of heat stroke. However, the route continues on just past RI-116, and the next left brings it into Bryant University.

Mineral Spring Avenue!
A function hall
A park – with a beach nearby
Gambling addiction? Not today!
A dilapidated gas station
Coming soon, I guess
See ya!
I like Deep River, but I’m not a big fan of these.
This didn’t seem safe, but it was easier said than done.

The good: It’s a direct link to Bryant! It’s also frequent enough, every 20 minutes in the section up to Shaw’s, and every 40 past Shaw’s, on weekdays. Weekend frequency is up to every 45 minutes, which still isn’t bad.

The bad: Why does the brochure mention trips to Honeywell if it’s since been axed? Seriously, from what I understand, per a friend who worked for Honeywell, the 50 trips to Honeywell used to be intended for those working in the N95 production lines until they axed that department last year! What the HELL?!

Nearby points of interest: Well, in the section unique to this route (essentially everything north of Shaw’s on Douglas Avenue/Douglas Pike), you really only have Bryant and a park. At least the park has a beach, though.

Overall, it’s not a bad route. It serves a lot and some far-out places. I do, however, wonder if the outermost areas (e.g. Bryant and Fidelity, along with other nearby businesses) would be better served with a few morning and evening round-trip expresses?

Rating: 7/10

33 (Riverside)

Oh boy, this one took more time than it had any right to. As such, it also had some headscratchers. But hey, we’re in the East Bay again! Let’s take a glance at the 33.

Not my bus, but this headsign looks kinda mangled.

So, getting on at bus stop H and a driver handoff later, we’re off to the races. Normally it’d be a straight shot into the East Side tunnel to Thayer Street, but we had to get around Waterfire preparations. After the detour, involving going around via South Water and a U-turn, we made it to the East Side. We then crossed the Henderson Bridge via Waterman Street, and another detour! UGH! This one instead involved going down Waterfront Drive, up Valley and North Brow Streets, and FINALLY coming out at Massasoit and Waterman Avenues.

So long!
Into the underworld .-.
The East Side!
Jeff Bezos Market?
Henderson Bridge, we meet again.

Going down Waterman Avenue, we took a left and went through the bowtie of East Providence. Then, we went towards Wampanoag Plaza and deviated into it. From here, it was a straight shot down Pawtucket Avenue all the way down. It was mostly residential, but we also passed Bradley Hospital, which is essentially Butler’s pediatric counterpart. Soon enough, the road became Bullocks Point Avenue, and we were in Riverside. Nice!

Some buildings
The bowtie!
Over Broadway
Deviation time!
Shaw’s but not the one we end at.
Another side street
The interstate!
More road…
Some more of the same
Bradley Hospital!
Wanna golf?
Some condos!
A local business
A church!
I spy…..the ocean.

We eventually turned down Crescent View Avenue. After passing a small cove, we reached Willett Avenue and the end of the route, at a Shaw’s.

Crescent Park!
Ooh, scenic!
Look, a Dollar Tree!
The bus laying over

The good: It’s a direct link to Riverside! However, that’s where the good ends.

The bad: Why does the bus run every hour – with an almost 30 minute layover, when the route itself takes around 30 minutes from start to end?! Like, if it was a long-distance route like the 14 or 66, I’d understand. But, like, it isn’t! We’re only going a few miles outside of Providence! Maybe it’s a weekend-only thing, let’s see.


So, I was wrong. 40 minutes on Saturdays, 30 minutes on weekday days, and 60 minutes on weekday nights and Sundays. But, like, the layover time was almost 30 minutes on my weekend trip, which was on a Saturday. And, apparently, the layovers on weekdays are LONGER than the amount of time between buses! Alright, this route has a layover issue.

Nearby points of interest: Riverside and Crescent Park, of course. There’s also the rest of East Providence and the East Side, most of which is shared.

Overall, what’s with the layover time?! Like, why is the route just over 30 minutes with almost 40 minute layovers?! Definitely a headscratcher. Surprisingly, at least pre-COVID, it was a high ridership route. In fact, the highest of the three East Providence routes (that is, that didn’t serve as a link to another transit hub, with 1300 daily riders. Apparently it’d have even more, when it was interlined with the 3 (which, would explain a lot with the layover time).

Rating: 5.5/10

281 Flex (Woonsocket/Manville)

Alrighty, so if the 87 largely covers the most important parts of Woonsocket, what about outside the 87’s coverage area? Well, meet the 281.

The Flex zone in light orange. Darker orange is the 282 Flex

Alrighty, so first off, no scheduled stops. Yikes. But, what important places would it cover, if it did have scheduled stops? Well, let’s make a map. Why not have fixed stops like this?

Fixed stops on Flex?

Perhaps, it’d be something like this, originating at Diamond Hill Plaza (the 87’s terminus), with scheduled stops at Market Square, Walmart, and CVS’s headquarters. Of course, it could be changed. After all, this is Flex, we’re talking.

The good: It’s a sizable Flex zone covering the one-way-crazy city of Woonsocket, along with nearby Manville and some parts of North Smithfield. Mostly anything important can be accessed via this Flex zone.

The bad: C’mon, reservation only? Oh brother. See the above map for opinions. At the least, there could be a downtown-CVS HQ route, say, numbered 88 like proposed in the 2013 COA documents? Plus, the area has largely inadequate fixed route service, like the aforementioned lack of service to CVS. Also, why not have a Woonsocket/Cumberland express? that runs from, say, one of Cumberland’s villages to downtown via I-295 and RI-146 or US-6/RI-10? But at least make this on-demand.

Nearby points of interest: All of Woonsocket, Manville Village.

Overall, conceptually it’s not bad. But, as I said with the 242, c’mon. At least have it be on-demand like with GATRA GO. Plus, the area could use better fixed service, especially to places like CVS headquarters.

Rating: 4/10

87 (Woonsocket Circulator)

Alrighty, another crosstown! This time, it spans the entirity of Woonsocket without leaving. Officially, the route name is “87 (Fairmount/Walnut Hill)”, but the more fitting name is the Woonsocket Circulator, because that’s literally what the 87 is.

The route’s geometry

As a fun tidbit about this route, in all the years of its existence, it has never changed. Well, I lied. The timings changed. But, by and large, the routing hasn’t changed, and to my awareness is probably the only route that’s untouched since its inception in such a manner. Maybe I’m going to be wrong soon and decide to add an extra deviation or two in a year or two’s time. Hopefully not.

The old Woonsocket Station and the Providence & Worcester mainline

This route is a little awkward. Because the 54 ends in the dead center of the route, I had to get off and ride the route all the way to one end. In my case, I got off by High St. and went to Fairmount. From there, I waited out the short layover in the public housing complex and then got the return trip to Diamond Hill Plaza.

One of many housing projects.

Section 8 housing will be a common theme with this route. Starting off, we’re in the Fairmount neighborhood, as we go through a bunch of side streets. Eastbound trips turn up 2nd Avenue and go down River Street, Harris Ave., and Railroad Ave. Westbound trips don’t. You see, whoever designed Woonsocket filled it with one-way streets. And, as such, having sections of the route served by only one direction but not another will also be very common. From here, we turned down Main Street and looped back to head the opposite direction.

A side street
More projects, oh my!
See track, think train.
Didn’t cross this one!
Crossing the Blackstone!
The old train station, I think
Market Square!
A park of some kind

From here, we turned down Clinton Street, which ran parallel to Social Street (where westbound trips travel), passing the 54’s and 66X’s termini at John Cumming @ the CCA. We passed by even more projects in the mean time, and turned right down Cumberland Street, then a left down Cass Ave. with Landmark Medical Center being on the same street.

A church!
A parking lot
Look, a Dollar Tree!
More projects?!
Paralleling the Blackstone
A Dunkin’!
Landmark Medical Center

Alright, so we’re on a main road of sorts, what now? Wait, oh COME ON! Another bundle of side streets?! Alrighty. We end up navigating through a narrow residential neighborhood, up Sweet Ave., Elm St., Florida Ave., and even more projects at Morin Heights Boulevard. Fortunately, these were the final projects on the route. It then became Linden Avenue and we eventually reached Diamond Hill Road.

The last of the projects
More housing

Wait, it gets better. We deviated. Into a shopping plaza. The name? “Walnut Hill.” That has got to be the most generic name I’ve ever heard for quite literally any place. Put that name in the Midwest, for crying out loud. But, I digress, moving along. Why did we deviate in here, if there isn’t much? I dunno, but someone used the stop at Saver’s, so that counts for something. We then got back on Diamond Hill, and did a double deviation – into a Job Lot (which I think used to be a Walmart) and into Diamond Hill Plaza, where the route ends at Price Rite.

For lease!
Ocean State Job Lot, anyone?
Another Tree!

The good: It serves a lot! It’s literally a Woonsocket crosstown, stopping at major locations in town and all the major housing projects! Fortunately, none of them are Chad Brown-levels of bad. You also have downtown Woonsocket and Market Square.

The bad: This isn’t inherently due to RIPTA, but rather the road layouts: it’s very one-way happy. I guess a frequency boost couldn’t hurt, either.

Nearby points of interest: Literally all of Woonsocket, essentially. Especially Market Square, downtown, and Walnut Hill/Diamond Hill plazas.

Overall, I wouldn’t touch this route with routing. It’s good as-is, however I’d probably give a frequency boost since I’ve seen the bus be mostly full for a couple of my trips on it. I mean, as of 2019 it had just over 600 daily riders, but due to a certain incident in 2020, that number isn’t fully accurate to present metrics. But it still gets decent ridership, and is quite possibly the best-routed RIPTA route. As such, it deserves a high rating. However, I’d imagine it becomes a nightmare when there’s events downtown (e.g. Winter Wonderland).

Rating: 8.5/10

51 (Charles St./CCRI Lincoln)

Alrighty, you want to get to CCRI? Well, just take either the 66, which expresses to CCRI, or the 14, 21, 22, or 30, which all run local to there? Wait, what? You meant the Lincoln campus? Ohhhhhh…..why didn’t you say so? Just take the 51!

This campus is cursed. I hate it. I really do.

So, we start off at the Lincoln CCRI campus, and going around the roundabout, we exit onto RI-246. A little hard to believe that given all the woodlands out here, we’re only 5 and a half miles north of Kennedy Plaza (in a straight line). Wait, a deviation! Yes, just like the 54 and 73, we deviate into Twin River! However, noone got on here.

See ya later, cursed campus!
Twin River! It was raining, hence the less than stellar quality.

Once we got out of Twin River, we went right again, and unlike the 54, we did NOT go express. So, instead we began going down Charles Street. It was largely residential, as every few stops people got on down here. Throughout, there were businesses lining the street as well. There were also a couple of parks and Esek Hopkins Jr. High, down by the intersection with Branch Avenue. Eventually, past the Home Depot, Charles Street split into two one-ways, with the one-way I’m on being next to the Northeast Corridor. Fortunately, this also meant we were near home. From here, we went up Canal Street and deviated into Providence Station, where I got off. The route would then continue to go down to RI Hospital.

No express for you!
A church
A dirt lot
Wait, another Walgreens?!
An apartment building on Charles St.
At least this isn’t the side of 146 with Chad Brown
Train tracks!
Hi, Mr. Governor!
See ya!

The good: It’s a straight shot up Charles Street to the CCRI campus and the casino! Also, on Sundays, the college isn’t even served (likely due to the lack of classes). So, in a sense, the schedule works out pretty well too. It’s also relatively frequent, being every half-hour. However….

The bad: I think it might be better off being a little more frequent (every 20 minutes), or maybe alternating short/long trips like with the 20, where trips alternate between ending at the Stop & Shop on Mineral Spring, and the full run to Twin River and CCRI, which would also bring 20 minute frequency to Charles St. itself and 40 minutes to CCRI and the casino. Also, Charles Street can get clogged up quite easily during the evening and morning commutes.

Nearby points of interest: Twin River and CCRI. There’s also the stuff lining Charles Street and the train station.

Overall, it’s a pretty good route. Enough so to where as of 2019, it was the highest-ridership non-key route. I do, however, think that turning it into a key route with long/short trips (think like the 20) would be a better idea, especially given the proximity to the Stop & Shop on Mineral Spring Ave. Or, if the 30 minute frequency to CCRI and the casino were to be preserved, why not every 15 minutes up to said Stop & Shop, and 30 to the casino and CCRI?

Rating: 7.5/10

73 (Mineral Spring Ave./Twin River/CCRI)

WARNING: copious amounts of caps and cursing incoming. Reader’s discretion advised.

Dear god, this one was a troublemaker. Enough so to where it took me multiple attempts to even ride it. Let’s run through them, shall we?

ATTEMPT #1: So I was on the 71 and I pull the cord for Pawtucket and- wait, what? WHAT?! The fucking driver just DROVE OFF without even stopping like he’s supposed to?! What the FUCK gives?! Like, I get you’re probably late and all, but you gotta pick people up too!

ATTEMPT #2: Alrighty, round 2! So, I got off the 80 with about 10 minutes to spare, NOT MISSING IT THIS TIME! And, holy crap, the bus actually stopped. And, with that, I boarded the bus. To sum up the “difficulty” of the route, if the 54 is the route from Hell, the 73 is more likened to trying to catch a shiny Abra in Pokemon without any level of preparation. Not the worst, but definitely an annoying bug to squash.

Off to the races!

So starting off, we pulled out of Roosevelt Avenue onto Exchange Street, which then became Goff Avenue. From here, we turned down Main Street, turned again to stay on Main Street, then it became the route’s namesake – Mineral Spring Avenue. Normally, this road is a traffic nightmare, if my experience on the 58 is to go by. But, unlike this route, the 58 doesn’t go into Pawtucket. Going straight down, we crossed over the Northeast Corridor (which had a MBTA train led by an F40PH passing under as I was going over!)

An apartment building
Bushes and trees
A cemetary
A McDonald’s?!

Going down Mineral Spring, it was a bit of everything to be seen. Houses, old mills, businesses of various types. And, at least traffic was free-flowing. And, huh, this thing actually gets ridership. Surprising. Nevertheless, we pressed on down Mineral Spring, passing Smithfield Avenue and, eventually, Route 146.

Some more housing
An old mill
Wait a sec, this isn’t a Dollar Tree!
That’s more like it.
Ah crap, my thumb got in the shot.

However, we didn’t meet RI-146 at Mineral Spring. Instead, we met with it after going down Charles Street. No express today! So, we pressed on up Charles Street and RI-246, to then deviate into Twin River and the Lincoln CCRI campus. And FINALLY, the route was over.

A laundromat!
No express today!
Gamble responsibly!
Some roads
I freakin’ hate this campus.

The good: It’s a one-seat ride to the two major places in Lincoln!

The bad: It’s on-time performance can be bad, with drivers sometimes outright skipping Pawtucket. Yikes. It also doesn’t run on weekends.

Nearby points of interest: The casino and CCRI mainly. Maybe Mineral Spring Avenue.

Overall, this route can be really tricky to work with. On-time performance is just bad enough to where the driver might skip Pawtucket entirely. However, it also does give one-seat rides to destinations warranting transfers to Providence, namely the CCRI campus and more importantly, the casino.

Rating: 4.5/10

80 (Armistice Blvd.)

So, I guess one can consider this a part 2 to the 76’s post. This route largely mirrors the 76, however instead of going up Central Ave., it goes up Armistice Boulevard. To get here, I walked down Daggett Avenue from its stop on Central Ave., to the Armistice Boulevard stop.


So, starting off, the route starts at Slater Park and then continues to where I got on. Fortunately, it isn’t that much I missed. When I got on, we kept going down Armistice Boulevard. Nobody got on until the CVS at Newport Avenue, where one can transfer with the 35. Eventually we got to George Bennett Highway, banged a left, and went down it.

Where I waited
Mixed case in Pawtucket?!
Someone’s house
Another side street!
A building and parking lot
Who was George Bennett, anyways?

Eventually, we hooked a right down Columbus Avenue and passed McCoy Stadium. Normally there’d be a special shuttle service, however that’s reserved for ball games – and McCoy Stadium isn’t occupied by any baseball teams anymore, either. Nevertheless, we went left down Pond Street and right down Summit Street. This area was the most-used part of the route. From here, we went down Walcott Street to Exchange Street, where a left turn later brought us to the Pawtucket Visitors Center.

A parking lot
McCoy Stadium
The source of most of the 80’s ridership
The freeway!

The good: It’s a direct link between downtown Pawtucket and Slater Park!

The bad: …that most people have no reason to use. Essentially noone’s gonna be using this route when it runs every 1 and a half hours, AND shares the same lone bus that the 76 gets. Also unlike the 76, no weekend service! No, no, no! I’m sure if this and the 76 were decoupled, it’d be a much better route. Hell, even as things stand, noone would still use the 80 because, face it, most people in the area between Slater Park and McCoy Stadium (i.e. most of the route) have cars and can drive, and almost certainly prefer that.

Nearby points of interest: …not a lot. Slater Park, is the only one still open.

Overall, why? Just, why? Why can’t the McCoy Stadium-downtown section just be an extension of the 76, with the areas between the stadium and Slater Park being axed entirely? Unless I’m wrong – and very wrong, at that, noone, NOT EVEN A SOUL, uses the route out there and would be better served by a direct connection to Providence.

Rating: 2/10