Chinatown (Orange Line)

So, we go from the end of the line to the middle of downtown Boston. Let’s look at Chinatown, shall we?


So, the platform is a little dark, but the signage is also shiny weirdly. But, hey, I’ll take it. Fare control is a little small as well, and there’s stairs and elevators up to Washington and Essex Streets. Yeah, not a lot to talk about with the mezzanine, but it’s your standard affair. The headhouses are also alright, with patterned fencing things. However, there’s one major issue: no free crossovers. Yeah, that’s a yikes. But hey, it’s likely you’ll encounter tourists here along with the SL4 and SL5 at street level! Except there’s no shelter or anything. Oh well! Apparently there’s also a pair of abandoned entrances, but I didn’t seem to find them on street level.

A little blurry, eh?
And the Oak Grove side (thanks Brooke!)
A headhouse!

The good: Well, it’s in a tourist destination (Chinatown), although relative to others it’s not that big a place. But, still, Boston’s Chinatown is still a place worth checking out if you have the time.

The bad: No free crossovers?! WHY?! Also, the lackluster Silver Line stop. I couldn’t even tell at a quick glance due to the lack of signage or shelters!

Nearby points of interest: Well, you’ve got Chinatown! Alternatively, Boston Common is a stone’s throw away as is Boylston, along with a few theaters.

Transit connections:
Orange Line
Silver Line (SL4, SL5)
MBTA bus (11)

Overall, it’s not the best of stations. Yeah, I’m not sure what it is with downtown stations just overall being grade A trash seemingly, but this fits the bill. Hopefully that changes when I check out the transfer stations and Tufts Medical later down the road. Just maybe…

Rating: 4/10

The gate!

Orient Heights (Blue Line)

Ah, Orient Heights. Yeah, this one wasn’t too terribly exciting either. But, it’s got something the other stations lack! Let’s look.


Of course, you have two platforms, with fare control lining the fencing on either side. It’s nothing much, but it gets the job done. And, hey, at least there’s a crossover within fare control! Neat…..except there’s a FENCE running down the bridge halfway! WHY?! At least, there’s a busway on the Bowdoin-bound side. And, hey, for foamers it’s nice since you have the Blue Line yard and you’re also in walking distance to the beach, if airplanes are your thing.

See ya!
From the overpass!
The stairs & escalator!
Fare control!
The busway!

The good: Well, it’s in the middle of a residential neighborhood, has a busway with a countdown clock, and (somehow missing it) a surprising amount of parking. Yeah, this is technically a park & ride!

The bad: The emergency exits. My friend almost went through one in attempt to find the crossover, for crying out loud! I mean, yeah, it’s not big, but it shouldn’t be that easy for an idiot to try going through the emergency exit!

Nearby points of interest: You have Orient Heights Beach! Yeah, I don’t know a lot about the area.

Transit connections:
Blue Line
MBTA bus (120, 712, 713)

Overall, it’s an alright station for what it is. Sure, it doesn’t have the glitz and glamor of Assembly or the ugly concrete hellscapeness of Oak Grove (wink wink), but it still stands out- wait, are those solar panels on the roof? Yeah, I’m not sure but look at satellite imagery makes it seem so.

Rating: 7.5/10

Cleveland Circle & Reservoir (Green Line)

Ah, Cleveland Circle and Reservoir. They’re like two twins that absolutely CANNOT be separated under any circumstances. Let’s look at them.


First, Cleveland Circle. It’s pretty generic with not a lot to note. Benches exist, as do wastebins and, supposedly, a CharlieCard validator (but c’mon, who’s validating their fare???) Yeah, not a lot to note about this one. It’s got an on-foot transfer to Reservoir, though, by virtue of the two essentially being one and the same.

Unofficial parking!
Two Type 8/7 combos!
Benches, shelter, wastebins
Track connections to Reservoir. Look both ways!

Alrighty, now to Reservoir. Reservoir’s a little more exciting. For one, you have fully sheltered platforms with benches. Supposedly, the inbound platform (towards Union Square) is also heated, but I didn’t try it out. There’s also a third platform which, I think, is used for short-turns and in the event the line past here is bustituted. I’m not sure though, so if anyone’s better-versed on this, please tell me if I’m right or not. Both stations also have a bus connection to the 51 to Forest Hills and the 86 to Sullivan and Union Squares, with Reservoir having the busway. Neat! Lastly, why the HELL is there a wheelchair lift if level boarding is a thing with the Type 8s and 9s?! I mean, I’m sure there’s a reason, but what reasonable operator’s gonna want to get out and crank a wheelchair lift all of 3 inches off the ground?!

See ya!
Reservoir’s Helvetica!
The tunnel towards Riverside
The Reservoir yard!
I think this train was part of a nonrevenue equipment move.
The maintenance facility!
Accessibility, what’s that?

The good: Well, they’re a decent transfer together, though you’ll have to let the operator know and, if they’re nice enough, will let you tap a transfer without paying on your CharlieCard. However, be prepared to pay twice. It’s also an alright foaming spot for the Green Line, as you have the Reservoir yard right there. Cleveland Circle also has the amenities one would expect, with a sheltered area and wastebins.

The bad: Cleveland Circle is kinda generic. Not a lot to note. Reservoir also feels kinda generic otherwise, but at least has the busway. Plus, there’s the fact equipment moves from the C branch have to use the street-running tracks on Chestnut Hill Avenue poses a danger to people, moreso if they’re unaware of their surroundings.

Nearby points of interest: You’ve got Boston College, as well as a few playgrounds and the namesake Chestnut Hill Reservoir!

Transit connections:
Green Line (D at Reservoir, C at Cleveland Circle)
MBTA bus (51, 86 at Reservoir)

Overall, they’re alright, but like, there’s just not a lot to them. I hate to say it, but there’s not a lot in the way of memorable stuff or any charm like Coolidge Corner. And, yes, since they’re essentially one station that operates as two in practice, I’m counting it as two for the purpose of scoring.

6/10 for Reservoir
5/10 for Cleveland Circle

Coolidge Corner (Green Line)

I did not know much about Coolidge Corner going into this entry, aside from that it seemed like a cool place. OH BOY, would this place pretty much change my opinion of Brookline from “meh, ’tis only suburbia” to “HOLY CRAP this is a decent place!” Now, let’s get into it.


Coolidge Corner, at the end of the day, is a street stop at the intersection of Beacon and Harvard Streets in Brookline. However, it does have a bit going for it vs. most other street stops. For one, you have a sizable old town-style shelters, with matching signage. Neat! Further along, you also have a singular bus connection, the 66 to Harvard or Nubian and…..FLIXBUS?! Yeah, I didn’t see any Flixbus buses, but I guess there’s an intercity bus connection.

Here’s your damn Flixbus!

Of course, I have a thing for historic European old town aesthetics, to which Coolidge Corner seems to fit quite well. Obviously, there’s better places, but this seems to be the best to my awareness before crossing into “tourist trap” territory. It’s also walkable! Like, GOD, the S.S. Pierce Building really adds to the vibes this area gives off!

The Green Line shelter
The S.S. Pierce Building and a train
See ya!
A nonrevenue equipment move and the building

The good: It’s just got that historic old town energy going for it! Like, GOD, do I love it! It’s also quite wide and spacious for a street stop, with its staggered stop placement on either side of an S bend through Harvard Street. Also, the 66 and Flixbus stops here. There’s also plenty in the way of shopping.

The bad: No shelters for the 66 and Flixbus! Yeah, it’s minor, but there’s not a lot to complain about here.

Nearby points of interest: Mostly shopping. A friend was with me and dug around Brookline Books for at least 40 minutes. There’s also the S.S. Pierce building.

Transit connections:
Green Line (C)
MBTA bus (66)

Overall, I really like this station and it’s objectively probably best in class. Riding the rest of the C branch had nothing special for most other stations, same is true for the E branch, while the B branch just looks like a nightmare on Street View. I also just like the vibes the neighborhood gives off in general.

Rating: 10/10. Yeah, this one gets an ace.

The Boston skyline looms ahead…

Lechmere (Green Line)

Alrighty, the last of the GLX stations! A friend and I explored the station a little more than with Science Park. So, let’s look at it, shall we?


If I looked at the old Lechmere, I’d have given it a 5, maybe a 6, on the basis of how freakin’ dingy it was. However, the new Lechmere is NOT that. New Lechmere is quite bright, with a canopy covering the island platform, and nice-looking elevator shafts. There’s also a busway under the viaduct and a Pedal & Park somewhere. And yes, just like the other GLX stations, it’s the honor system. Ugh. But hey, at least the elevator doesn’t smell like urine! The busway also feels kinda dingy, despite being brand spankin’ new, as well.

Nicely covered!
The old station razed
The fancy elevator shaft!
The T globe!
I spy a busway and….BlueBikes?
Oh please, they could’ve put faregates here!
The busway. Not exactly a fan of this.
A type 8!

The good: It’s in a decent spot! It’s also got a liberal amount of bus connections as well as two Green Line branches! From here, the two branches split off to Union Square and Medford. It’s also close to a few shopping centers and, if you’re willing to walk a little, the Bunker Hill Community College (though the Orange Line is better for that).

The bad: Really? Still no faregates. Also no heated areas or bathrooms. The busway feels mildly dingy despite being new.

Nearby points of interest: I’m not really familiar with the area, but a quick look on Google Maps shows Cambridgeside and Cambridge Crossing, as well as North Point Park (moreso if you’re a railfan).

Overall, it’s alright. Just, it suffers from the same pitfalls as the other GLX stations. Hell, if it weren’t for the lack of faregates, it’d probably be the best GLX station second to Medford.

Transit connections:
Green Line (D, E)
MBTA bus (69, 80, 87, 88)

Rating: 7.5/10

Science Park (Green Line)

Alrighty, this entry is technically part 6 of the GLX saga, but unfortunately it had to be delayed a month due to just simply being waaaaaay too exhausted after Gilman Square and visiting East Somerville with Miles, Brooke, Jeremy, and the others. Either way, here’s the first of the final two parts to the GLX saga, 27 days after the fact.


Now, I know, it’s Science Park/West End (or Science Park Slash West End), but everyone just calls it Science Park. Of course, it’s elevated, which is always a treat. 😀

Anyways, you’ve got two elevated platforms which are rather plain and bogstandard. Stairs go down to the crossover area, and I’m pretty sure fare control is located just past the doors in said crossover area, but I didn’t have much time to check. I’ll also add, said doors and fare control is kinda tight in spacing. But, hey, at least up here you have the Charles River and a view of the North Station approach! In a sense, with how scenic it is, I’d consider this the Green Line’s Charles/MGH. If you’re foaming the Green, this is a quintessential spot, to paraphrase a friend’s opinion on here. Oh, as a fun aside, this is also the least-used fare-controlled Green Line station.

Down to Hell!
The stairs down
Type 7.
The T sign
The Zakim Bridge!
Another shot and the North Station approach drawbridge

The good: It’s located near the Museum of Science – the station’s biggest draw! It’s also near some parks.

The bad: Just one problem – it’s in the middle of the intersection! Yeah, it suffers from Charles’ biggest issue, too. Good luck!

Nearby points of interest: Guess. Just guess.

Overall, this is an alright station. It doesn’t have the modern aesthetic that Charles has, but it’s still serviceable. Just uh, good luck crossing the street.

Transit connections:
Green Line (D, E)

Rating: 7/10

Aquarium (Blue Line)

WHEW, is it me or does it smell like Galilee down here?! Nah, I’m just kidding, although you can catch a few wafts of the ocean. Entering: Aquarium.

…does Bowdoin not exist?

Alrighty! So, the platform is your basic affair of what you’d expect on a Blue Line station. You’ve got, of course, two sides. However, unlike much of the T, the station kinda reminds me of a WMATA station in how the ceilings and walls look. I mean, I don’t hate the WMATA’s design, it feels very representative of the Cold War era (when that system came to be), but here I feel it’s nice too. You’ve also got some nice-looking tiles on the side, with even the mezzanine having the stone tile going on. As for the mezzanine, I couldn’t check (was waiting for a train), but here’s a picture from Miles’ entry on Aquarium.

From Miles’ entry.

Now, there’s one special thing about Aquarium that most other stations (actually, all) lack: a water connection. That’s right – Aquarium is in walking distance to Long Wharf, where one can connect with the ferry. Now, hopefully I get around to doing the Charlestown and Hingham/Hull ferries this year, so stay tuned.

Towards Wonderland
and towards Bowdoin!
The train!

The good: It’s right at a major tourist site! So, predictably, most people using this station are either transferring from the ferry or they’re going to the Aquarium.

The bad: That said, it’s kinda close to State Street! I mean, I’m pretty sure most people end up using that and walking the 1/4 mile. The sole bus connection is also the weekday-only 4, which is also peak-only, at that. That blows. Oh yeah, the smell of the ocean permeates the station.

Nearby points of interest: Take a guess.

Overall, it’s decent. And, if North/South rail happens, I feel like this station would be a good place to put a downtown infill CR/Amtrak stop (a Union Station?) to terminate trains at. And, besides, it’ll give the Blue a much-needed Commuter Rail link. Just don’t let the smell of fish make you heave over and vomit onto the 3rd rail.

Transit connections:
Blue Line
MBTA bus (4)

Rating: 7/10

A very Green Winter (Part 5 – Gilman Square)

(part 1, 2, 3, and 4)

Alrighty, the last entry for this saga! Let’s get this one down, and FAST because the train back to Medford is coming soon!

Elevators and T logo!
Helvetica and countdown signs!
And another elevator off in the distance!

Yeah, there’s no Pedal & Park here. Initially we were confused, however I think I remember seeing someone mention it’s tied to either the community path or Somerville HS. Weird choice, but whatever.

The good: It’s located in another residential neighborhood, and right next to Somerville HS! Yes, that means the children can take the Green Line to school!

The bad: No Pedal & Park, ironically enough, as of me writing this. Yes, I know, it’s coming later. But, for a line that seems to emphasize biking and transit utilization, it’s a little ironic that the station AT a high school lacks a Pedal & Park. Also, the honor system. Again.

Nearby points of interest: I mean, if you’re a parent or a high school student, I’m sure Somerville HS is pretty important. The town library is also in the area!

Transit connections:
Green Line (E)
MBTA bus (88 & 90 on Highland Ave., 80 on Medford & Pearl St.’s)

Overall, it’s much of the same as Magoun. However, the lack of a Pedal & Park on day 1 is a strike against it, and as such puts it as one of the worse stations on the GLX. It’s still significant, and for what it is, is alright enough.

Rating: 6/10

From here, I (with everyone else, this time!) returned to East Somerville, where Miles concluded his station review segment. We’d then go back to Medford for the ribbon cutting, at which point I had to bail out due to exhaustion (I’ve been up for 29 hours up to that point, 32 when I got home!). I will say, this has got to be the most hectic, enjoyable time I’ve had in a long time, and I hope there’s another grand opening in the future with anywhere near as much historical significance! (North/South Rail, or BLX to either Lynn or Charles, anyone?) With that all in mind, I’d like to give a special shoutout to everyone that I happened to be with on that day. Seriously, y’all are awesome people, and I doubt it’d have been as good a day without everyone else being as excited.

And with that, I wish everyone reading a nice rest of December, and if y’all celebrate anything, have fun with that.

Wait, what’s this? Why is there a T lollipop rising out of the ground in Pawtucket? Whelp, looks like I’ll be answering the call of duty again sooner rather than later. Stay tuned for that, everyone!

A very Green Winter (Part 4 – Magoun Square)

(part 1, part 2, part 3)

Alrighty, Magoun Square! So, everyone got off the train and went with Miles and co. to check it out. Here’s what I’ve found.


Of course, it’s a copy-paste of Ball Square largely. You’ve got a Pedal & Park, elevators (redundant, as there’s no ramp or grade crossing access!), no bathrooms, and some art. There’s also vending machines, and not a lot else. It’s pretty much where the Somerville bike path (still under construction, as of writing this) branches off from the GLX and meanders towards Davis Square and Alewife. Also, the station has lights that resemble tongs, so some added character? Sure!

Elevators and facing southbound!
“Salad tongs!”
– Miles

The good: It’s a short walk from Magoun Square proper! It’s also pretty much waist-deep in a residential neighborhood, so that should help with easing car dependency.

The bad: Pretty much the same issues as Ball Square, minus the grade crossing. It uses the honor system, and has no restrooms like at Medford.

Nearby points of interest: The station’s namesake, of course! There’s also the Somerville bike path which heads towards Davis Square and Alewife.

Transit connections:
Green Line (E)
MBTA bus (88 & 90 on Highland Ave., 80, 89, 93 @ Broadway)

Overall, there isn’t much special here. It’s not bad for a station, it’s serviceable, and it’s just “good”. Nothing to really ring home about.

Rating: 7/10

A very Green Winter (Part 3 – Ball Square)

NOTE: I strongly recommend reading the Medford (part 1) and East Somerville (part 2) entries before reading this one! (links will open in a new tab!)

Alrighty, after I reviewed East Somerville solo, I took the next train (20+ minute wait!!!) to Ball Square, at which point I’ve decided I’d get breakfast at Kelly’s Diner. By the way, 10/10 pancakes. It was here that I’ve also rejoined with Noel, Conor, Lynx, Miles, Jeremy, Jules, and the others. After tagging along with them and subsequently catching the 80 to Medford for Miles’ video review of that station, we returned to Ball Square. So, with that in mind, how does the station stack up?

The elevator-accessible entrance from across Kelly’s Diner

So, first off, the station has one non-redundant elevator (numbered inconsistently, with it being 769 on the inside, nice), but that’s not an issue since the other entrance, beside the Pedal & Park, is a grade crossing. Countdown clocks can also be found, so you can make the judgement call to run for your train. Behind the elevator is also what appears to be a pretty cool party area. Neat.

The island platform

Just like the rest of the Green Line Extension stations, the station uses an island platform with benches, trash bins, and signage. It works, nothing exciting. And yes, also like the rest of the GLX, it uses the honor system. Booooo! On the other hand, though, I’d argue this is a better railfanning spot than Medford/Tufts, for the Lowell Line and the Downeaster. In terms of nearby, you have Ball Square, the station’s namesake. It’s a pretty decent neighborhood, and while I didn’t explore it too much, Kelly’s Diner is pretty good for breakfast.

Zoomed on the Pedal & Park. Also, NIMBYs.
Zoomed in signage
Helvetica and someone interviewing Miles
Outbound Lowell train and snow trail!
The elevator!

The good: It’s in a very good location! Like, there’s actually stuff around unlike East Somerville! And, to be honest, this has got to be a personal favorite for the subway system, period. There’s also plenty of local businesses and restaurants to be had.

The bad: Still, honor system. Also, there’s no bathrooms here unlike Medford.

Nearby points of interest: The many shops and restaurants of Ball Square! I can personally vouch for Kelly’s Diner being good.

Transit connections:
Green Line (E)
MBTA bus (80, 89, 89/93)

Overall, I personally prefer this station over Medford when it comes to railfanning the Lowell Line and the Downeaster. However, objectively, it’s still slightly worse than Medford.

Rating: 7.5/10

From here, Myself, Miles, and co. would then take the next Green Line train to go further down the line. Stay tuned for Magoun and Gilman Squares!